Media Release

Mangaluru, Feb 23 : The Annual Catechism Day was held with zealousness on 19th February, 2023 at St. Joseph the Worker Church, Neermarga.

It commenced with the Eucharistic Celebration concelebrated by Rev Fr Anil Canute D Mello -Parish Priest along with Rev Fr Rajesh M Rosario the Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St Joseph’s Seminary Mangalore. The children’s harmonious choir conducted by Brother Rakesh Francis created a feeling of unity, upliftment and bringing the congregation into a state of collective harmony was applauded by the Parish Priest and the Parishioners. In his beautiful homily Rev Fr Rajesh gave a wide coverage to the Definition, Importance and Practice of Catechism. He further explained in detail the role of parents in inculcating in their children Faith, Love and Interest in God.

After the Mass, refreshments were served to all. The audience greeted the dignitaries Rev Fr Anil D Mello – Parish Priest, Rev Fr Rajesh M Rosario, Mrs Zita Usha Fernandes-Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council, Mr. Maurice Renjal –The Coordinator of 21 Commissions, Sister Mavis A.C., The Superior of Carmel Ashram, Mrs. Celestine Saldanha -Sunday Catechism Coordinator, Brother Rakesh Francis with a standing ovation.

Prayer Song by students of Grade 5 helped to ignite the spark of divine consciousness and brought about a state of meditation, rendering peace and tranquillity. An appreciative, gracious, grateful, loving, cheerful welcome was accorded to the dignitaries and the assembled through a song by the children of grade 2. It was a joy to watch tiny tots of Grade 1 jumping and hopping, swaying to the beat and rhythm and actively involved in the Song “Jesus is the Light of the World”. “Don’t be scared, at times things may get rough, but there will be a time when we can grow above all our problems and our duty in Christ is to sow the seed of the word of God” was the captivating message derived from the skit ‘Parable of the Sower ‘acted out by students of Grade 3. ‘Love creative force is the most potent instrument available in mankind’ quest for peace and security’ was excellently exemplified in the skit entitled –‘Love binds us together in perfect unity’ by children of Grade 4. With bubbling enthusiasm students of Grade 6 underlined the importance of kindness and empathy through a dance drama -‘Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud’. Ways and means to live a life of service was delineated through a skit by Students of Grade 7. Books of The Bible Song was sung by the nightingales of Grade 8. Emotional play on Generation Gap and Respect for Parents was flawlessly enacted by budding actors of Grade 9. The students of Grade 10 danced gracefully to the song "Abide in Me and I in you".

Quoting 2 Timothy 3:16 Rev Fr Anil D Mello in his thought-provoking Presidential Address said "Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another - showing us truth, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way". He thanked and appreciated the teachers for Their contribution had been plenty, commitment enthusing and for their untiring services in training children for life and congratulated the students for their stupendous performance and then felicitated the mentors with gifts.

Prizes were distributed to students who secured highest marks in the catechism exams, Catechism workbook and who attended the classes with 100% attendance. Mr. Philip Rebello was the main sponsor for the prizes. Christon Rebello, Mrs Jacintha Pereira and Mrs Gretta Rodrigues shared their experiences. Mrs Celestine Saldanha – The Catechism Coordinator owed her gratitude to Rev Fr Anil, the Parish Priest for his generosity, availability, deep interest to teach about the essential truths of faith in a motivating and interesting manner and his love for the children have not enough words to explain or express.

On the whole the Annual Catechism Day was an occasion of celebration, felicitation, feast and entertainment.

Simantha of Grade 9 compered the programme. Mrs Celestine Saldanha proposed the Vote of thanks. Master Sheldon Peres captured Photos.


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