Media Release

Mangaluru, Dec 22 : "The success of the event can be measured by the applause of the hands of spectators."

Amidst the Christmas season with the joy of the ringing bells and mellifluous carols St Agnes CBSE school held its Annual School Day 2022 on 15th December at St Agnes Special school ground. The spectators witnessed an enthralling performance by the students imprinting the good memories in the mind.

The dignitaries invited were Mrs Deepa Kottari Asst. Professor and Head of the Dept Clinical Psychology at St Agnes centre for Post graduate studies and research Mangalore as the chief Guest, Dr Sr Lydia Fernandes AC the Joint secretary of St Agnes institutions, Sr. Maria Diksha, the Provincial Superior of Eastern Province of Apostolic Carmel the special guest, Mr Kumar Naik Vice President of School Welfare Committee , who were honourably being escorted by the school Administrator Sr Edna Furtado AC, The Principal Sr Maria Gracilda AC, the Vice Principal Sr Lenita Lobo AC led by the school band.

The programme took its lead with the melodious choir singing with one voice as the charm remained in the air. Then came the spectacular performance of students from KG to grade V. A unique and mesmerising performance was presented by the students from smiley dance, Christmas tableau, action play on bumble bee, Skit on trust by kindergarten students. As the evening continued to twilight there were yet many theme based performances from students of grade I to V on “Parenting, International Year of Aquaculture, Importance of Education, Patriotism and love for country and a tableau on The Life of Mother Veronica”. The centre of attraction was the digital display of the Annual report giving a bird eye view of the activities done in the school and also the bright and spectacular mobile torch display by parents showing their participation in this grand event. On the whole a remarkable day to remember and cherish the good memories.

The Chief guest congratulated the students for their brilliant participation and to the teachers for training the students and bringing them to perfection. Being a clinical psychologist professor, she shared her insight on parenting and child behaviour. She advised not to create boredom to encourage children to accept failures and to congratulate their success constantly was the advice put forth to the audience.

Sister Lydia too in her words of appreciation congratulated the students on their excellent performance the message that was conveyed in each theme was meaningful and appropriate. She also shared her insight with parents to let children grow to the highest level.
The excellence of the event was displayed through the digital display with well-set themes to create an aura of creativity and perfection of the performance.

The programme was compered by the students Jewel Pinto, Sumaya, Joella , Darryl and Chrisel Lasrado with teachers Daphne and Monisha. Sr Maria Gracilda the Principal gave a gracious welcome and thanked each one for their presence on this grand occasion. The vote of thanks was proposed by Teacher Nayana thanking each and everyone who have contributed immensely for the success of the event and the spectators for being a wonderful audience. The programme came to an end with the school song.


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