CT News

Kasaragod, Dec 21 : ICYM Kasaragod deanery council members conducted Christmas Friend on the occasion of Christmas Day on 4th December 2022. Deanery executive members and each unit President and Secretary were present for this gathering. Fr Anil Avild Lobo, director of ICYM Kasaragod deanery was present.

Programme started with invoking God’s blessings through a prayer. Maxi Dsouza, President of ICYM Kasaragod deanery welcomed the gathering. Monthly council meeting was conducted at 3:00 pm. After the meeting lots were prepared with the names of each person who were present for the meeting. Each one of them chose one name through a lot and exchanged their gift with that person. Rev.Fr. Anil Lobo gave  a short message on Christmas.

The program was concluded with vote of thanks by Jashmitha, secretary of ICYM Kasaragod deanery. After which a group photo was clicked. 


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