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Mangaluru, Dec 12 : On December 11, 2022, the festive activity at Our Lady of Pompei Shrine, Urwa started with the daily prayers and the distribution of the candles for the donors and sponsors. The Eucharistic Celebration was celebrated with the theme - “Let us make our life filled with blessings by being faithful like Mother Mary”. The Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, celebrated the Festal Mass. The reflection was given by Rev Fr. Daniel Sampath Veigas, Religious Episcopal Vicar, Ashoknagar. The Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Benjamin Pinto - Parish Priest, Fr Johnson Pereira - Asst Parish Priest, Fr Henry Sequeira - Resident Priest and guest priests.

The Feast Mass was followed by the procession and general blessings of the Blessed Sacrament. The Bishop gave his valuable message to all the devotees of Our Lady of Pompei.

The Parish Priest Fr Benjamin wished all the gathered devotees and thanked everyone who had rendered their valuable services towards the Feast celebrations.

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