CT News

Varanasi, Oct 28, 2023 : Navasadana, Regional Pastoral Center of Northern Region, Varanasi, organised a six days' retreat for Priests and Religious Sisters from October 22nd 7pm to 27th 4:30pm.

Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza, Diocese of Shimoga preached the Retreat. Director of the Navasadana Rev. Fr Francis welcomed and introduced Fr Franklin D'Souza to the retreatians.

Retreat was based on the Word of God. On 22nd evening 7pm Retreat began.

On the 23rd, he based his teaching on the Word of God brings healing. Topics dealt were: a) introductory talk from Ephesians 6:10-18 "Finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power". b)"How to face and overcome crises in Priestly as well as in Religious life". He based his teaching on Mark 8:34-38. c) "Looking into one's conscience", he based his teaching on Mark 6:14-29. d) "Call, fall and rise of Simon", from Luke 5:1-11. Day concluded at 6pm with Adoration based on John 5:1-14. He led the healing service.

On 24th, he based his teaching on Forgiveness brings healing. Topics dealt were: a) "Hiding in the Lord or hiding from the Lord" Jonah 1 - 4. b) Forgiveness from Mathew 18:21-35. c) Forgiveness and Eucharist from 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 & Matthew 5:23-25. d) "Challenges of celibacy and chastity" from Mathew 19:3-12. e) During adoration he spoke on "physical and spiritual blindness" from Luke 18:35-19:10. He led the healing service.

On October 25th, he based his teaching on Reconciliation brings healing. Topics dealt were: a) Peter denies Jesus, Luke 22:31-34,54-62. b) Sin and its consequences from Luke 15:1-10. c) 15 diseases that take us away from Jesus. He based his teaching on Luke 4:1-11. d) "when sin enters, holiness exits". He based his teaching on psalm 32:1-8, Romans 1:18-32. Confessions were organised and blessed Sacrament was exposed at 6pm. Four priests helped participants to make a good confession.

All these three days, Fr Franklin D'Souza inspired the participants with some inspirational videos after the supper.

On 26th, he based his preaching on "Holy Spirit brings healing". Topics dealt were: a) Walk to Emmaus from Luke 24:13-35. b) "Concept of Heaven and hell", from Luke16:19-30. c) Mother Mary; Mother of priests and religious, Luke 1:26-37. d) At 6pm he led Inner healing adoration, based on Ezekiel 36:24-28.

On 27th, he based his teaching on follow up. Topics dealt were: a) " Power of prayer and praise" Eccleseasticus 20:1-20. b) at 11am as per Pope's invitation prayer for the peace was led. Then Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Infilling session and prayed over the participants. c) Retreat concluded with the Holy Eucharist led by the preacher. He invited participants to follow the example of Jesus. Based his teaching on Matthew 28:1-15. Retreat concluded at 4:30pm with Tea.

Every day at 2:45pm Divine Mercy Chaplet was recited and at 6pm Rosary was prayed together.

Participants thanked Fr Franklin D’Souza the preacher. They also thanked Fr Francis and staff for their arrangements during the retreat days.

27 Religious Sisters and 4 priests attended the retreat.


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