Report: Miss Chaya

Mulki, July 1 : ” Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love”. These words of St. Therese of Lisieux lingered in their hearts as Bethany English Medium Hr Primary School Kilpady, Mulki Inaugurated the Little Way Association on 25 June 2024.

The programme began by invoking God’s blessings and formal welcome by Sr. Jyothi.

The headmistress Sr. Rita Sharal, and Co-ordinator Mrs. Teena and two students from the association inaugurated the Little Way Association by the lighting of the lamp. Students recited some of the quotes of St. Therese of Lisieux and offered the roses as a token of love and honour.

The headmistress delivered the message and, in her message, she invited the students to follow the example of St. Therese and her little way by doing the little acts of love to our needy brothers and sisters.

The inaugural program of the Little Way Association was a remarkable event marked by enthusiasm, engagement, and a shared commitment to fostering a culture of service and compassion among students. It was a unique and wonderful experience for all of them.

The programme was hosted by Mrs. Teena.


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