"Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking." - Mahatma Gandhi

Media Release

Mangaluru, Oct 3 : On October 2nd, 2023, Carmel School commemorated the 154th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, nationally known as Gandhi Jayanti, with great fervour and enthusiasm. The students of class X highlighted his enduring principles of non-violence, truth, and social justice.

The Gandhi Jayanti celebration instilled a sense of patriotism, social responsibility, and the importance of peace and non-violence among the students.

Mahatma Gandhi, the revered leader of the Indian independence movement, is known worldwide for his profound wisdom and unwavering commitment to non-violence, truth, and social justice. His life and teachings have left an indelible mark on the course of history and continue to inspire generations. The celebration commenced with an inspiring start as students recited poignant quotes by Mahatma Gandhi, encapsulating his timeless wisdom. The atmosphere was reverent as the Principal, the Administrator, the Vice-Principal, and staff paid their respects to Gandhiji by garlanding his portrait and showering petals of fragrant flowers upon it, symbolizing their admiration and gratitude.

As a gesture of unity and harmony, the students came together in perfect harmony to sing "Vaishnav Jana tho " a bhajan that epitomizes Gandhiji's message of peace. This musical offering resonated throughout the school, touching the hearts of all present.

A solemn prayer was offered for the spread of peace and harmony, reflecting Gandhi's lifelong pursuit of a peaceful coexistence. It was a moment of reflection, as the school community acknowledged the need for these values in today's world.

Through a prayer service the holy scriptures of different faith were read and God’s blessings were invoked on our country and the people to connect with the spirit of this great leader and carry forward the torch of his legacy in our hearts.

The power of non-violence to resolve conflicts and build bridges issues of inequality, discrimination, and violence was highlighted.

To further instill the values of Gandhi, a video presentation depicting his remarkable role as a hero of the millennia, “Mahatma- The Man of the Millenium” was played. The students were captivated by the life and principles of the Mahatma, finding inspiration in his relentless pursuit of justice and equality.

Taking this inspiration to action, the Principal in her speech emphasized the virtues of Mahatma Gandhi and asked the students to be a person who will be remembered as a hero by others in building a positive impact in the society. The Principal administered a pledge on non-violence, which the students passionately repeated. This pledge served as a reminder of the importance of non violence and peace both in our actions and in our hearts, echoing Gandhi's emphasis on peace and harmony.

Following the assembly, the students enthusiastically engaged in a cleanliness drive. With a sense of responsibility and dedication, they cleaned their classrooms and the school premises, demonstrating their commitment to Gandhiji's vision of a cleaner and better world.


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