The Parish Priest and the Faithful of St John Bosco Church, Kelmbet celebrated its Diamond Jubilee on 24 April 2024.

The day began with the receiving of the Bishop of Udupi, Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, and the Bishop of Allahabad, Most Rev. Dr Louis Mascarenhas. This was followed by the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Bishop and concelebrated by Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo; Rev. Fr Arvind, Parish Priest of Kelmbet; V. Rev. Fr Leslie D’Souza, Dean of Shirva Deanery, and many others.

A felicitation program was organized after the Mass. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Most Rev. Dr Louis Mascarenhas, Rev. Fr Aravind, Rev. Fr Clive Tellis, Provincial of Don Bosco, Konkan Region; Rev. Fr Reginald Pinto, former parish priest; Rev. Fr Eugene Mascarenhas, elderly priest from the parish; Sr Stella Mary, Mr John Abrio, vice-president of Kelmbet pastoral council; Mr Gerald Pinto, Secretary of Kelmbet pastoral council; Mrs Clara D’Souza, commissions coordinator Kelmbet parish were present on the dais.

The program began by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries. Mr John Abrio read the brief report of the past 60 years. Former Parish Priests, Vocations from the parish, and achievers from the parish were honoured on the occasion. Rev. Fr Reginald Pinto spoke on behalf of the honoured former Parish Priests. Rev. Fr Eugene Mascarenhas spoke on behalf of the honoured Priests from the parish. Sr Stella Mary spoke on behalf of the honoured sisters from the parish.

Most Rev. Dr Louis Mascarenhas and V. Rev Fr Clive Tellis wished Jubilee greetings to all the parishioners.

The Presidential Address was delivered by Bishop Gerald Lobo, in his speech, he extended Jubilee greetings to all the parishioners. He thanked the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Aravind for renovating the Church and for facilitating a meaningful celebration of the Diamond Jubilee.

Rev. Fr Aravind presented mementos to the guests. Rev. Fr Aravind welcomed the gathering and Mr Gerald Pinto proposed the vote of thanks. Rev. Fr Arnold Mathias compered the program. Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas led the gathering for the grace before meals. All present participated in the fellowship meal that followed.

Click here for complete report

Related reading :  History of St. John Bosco Church, Kelmbet


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