Perampalli is located at Shivalli, nearly 5 km away from the Udupi city and nearly 2 km from education hub Manipal. 

Perampalli was once a remote village completely surrounded by forest area and the River Swarna. During the year 1914, hardly 50 Catholics used to live here and the main source of income was agriculture. Wild animals roamed even in the broad daylight. Women used to come to sell their agriculture products to Udupi by foot. Families used to generate jaggery from the sugarcane grown on their fields. People were very poor financially, but were hard working.

Perampalli was one ward among Milagres Cathedral of the diocese of Udupi in 1921. For all religious needs, devotees would have to reach Milagres Church. Under the leadership of Fr Francis McLeons, an acre of land was bought and a small school started where priests used to cater to the needs of the devotees.

The then priest Fr Sabha Joachim Fernandes began to stay in Giri and he was the one instrumental in joining the Perampalli ward to Giri on January 1, 1920. Education was provided till class 3 to 45 students.

In 1928, the school was recognized by the government. As the number of students increased in 1937, the government gave permission to start classes 4 and 5. There were five teachers and Mathew D’Souza was the headmaster.

Fr Herald D’Souza was appointed as correspondent of the Perampalli school. He came to know the difficulties faced by devotees to attend the Eucharistic celebrations as they had to cross the Swarna river, which was especially difficult during the rainy season.

The devotees and Fr Herald appealed to the then bishop Basil S Peres in 1954 to create an independent parish for Perampalli. After getting the necessary permission from the bishop, the priest convened a meeting with devotees to start the work for the chapel. Though the devotees were not strong financially, they were resourceful. Soon after the construction work was completed, bishop Basil S Peres declared it as an independent church on October 7, 1958 and renamed it as Our Lady of Fatima Church.

Fr Fredrick Pinto was the first priest appointed in 1961. Under his initiative, villagers constructed a mud road from Ambagilu to Manipal. He took special interest to have his own land for the parish and made all efforts to get the approval from the government for future use. At the same time, he was able to get land for the graveyard of the church with the help of donors. By this time, the number of families had risen to 135.

Fr James Herbert Andrade who took charge in 1961 put in efforts to construct a new church on the land and a house for priests.

In the year 1969, Ursuline sisters were appointed by bishop Basil D’Souza to impart education. He also permitted construction of a new convent.

Fr Norbert Fernandes started the St Vincent De Paul Association in the church. He gave special attention to the development of the school. Class 7 started in 1977.

Fr Grogre Immanuel D’Souza was the priest during 1979–80. Fr Victor Castelino and Fr Patrick Rodrigues served as the in-charge priests in 1980, Fr Wilfred Gonsalves from 1981-83, Fr Gilbert Pinto from 1983–85, Fr Lawrence D’Souza from 1985–88 and Fr Harry Tauro from 1988–89.

Fr Antony J D’Souza was appointed to Perampalli in 1989 and he served for a long period of 7 years till 1996. He completed the pending work on Fatima hall. He brought in electricity and nearly 50 chairs for the church.

Fr Vernon Vas who served for a year from 1996 to 1997 was a young and energetic priest. He realized the need of all-round development and hence gave special attention towards Sunday Catechism and spiritual life of the people. With the help of CODP, he started the women’s association.

Fr James D’Souza (Sr) who took charge in the year 1997 put in efforts to bring a few things under control. He met people and started new associations in the church. He started different mass for children, yearly retreat, charismatic prayers, trained parishioners to conduct ward meetings and took many more steps for the spiritual development of the parish.

On May 26, 1999, the foundation stone for the construction of a new building for Infant Mary Higher Primary School was laid by Bishop Aloysius P D’Souza. The school was inaugurated and blessed on December 3, 2000 by Episcopal Vicar V. Rev. Fr. Valerian Dsouza. Manipal Hills Rotary donated bench, desk and lab equipment to the school. KCWA also donated Rs 44,000 for the school. 

In 2002, a new house for the parish priest was constructed.

Fr. James Dsouza (Sr) was transferred on 27-05-2004 and Fr. James Dsouza (Jr) took charge and served the parish till 01-06-2007.

Fr Romeo Lewis took charge on June 1, 2007. He was a person who was recognized for his simplicity and talents. He worked day and night for the development of the church and brought in many changes in Perampalli church premises. He was a multi-talented person with a kind heart. He was a good administrator, good in preaching, singing, and a prayerful person, simple and humble. Renovation of the cemetery, new grotto, hall, church entrance gate, children’s play area and many more development works took place in a short span of time.

During his tenure, the Golden jubilee of the church was celebrated in a grand manner on 20th December 2008. During this occasion, “Our Lady Of Lourdes Grotto” was inaugurated and blessed by Most. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul Dsouza, Bishop of Mangalore Diocese.

The Great Entrance (Maha Dwara) was built on the way to the church which was blessed by Provincial Minister V. Rev. Fr. Vincent G. Furtado Ofm. Cap on 20th December 2008.

A play park for children and a garden was also started at the church campus. “Fatima Matha Sabha Bhavan” Hall and shopping complex was newly built.

On the left side of the great entrance, a grotto of “The Miraculous Statue Of Mother Mary” was built for which the statue of Fatima was Gifted by Custodian Of The Nazareth Shrine of Israel to the Church of Perampally. On  25th march 2011 , the statue was blessed near the Marian Well at Jerusalem and taken in procession to Nazareth where Holy Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Romeo Lewis. In front of the Fatima Matha Sabha Bhavan, “Our Lady of Fatima Grotto” was constructed and blessed by Rev. Fr. Romeo Lewis.

On 9th February 2011, Foundation Stone was laid for the new church construction by Most. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul Dsouza, Bishop of Mangalore Diocese.

Inauguration of the newly built church :

On November 23rd 2017, a newly constructed church  which now stands majestically replacing the old church was inaugurated and blessed. Jerry Vincent and Molly Dias of Mandavi Developers inaugurated the belfry tower, while Dr Peter Machado, bishop, diocese of Belaum blessed it. Martina J and Philomena Aranaha, Dubai inaugurated it by tolling the bell. They also inaugurated the new church building by cutting the ribbon. Dr Gerald Issac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi blessed the new church building and presided over the Eucharistic Mass. Dr Francis Serrao, bishop, diocese of Shimoga blessed the Bible and delivered the homily.

Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo presided over the Eucharistic Mass while Bishop Peter Machado, Bishop Francis Serrao, Parish priest Fr Romeo Lewis and priests from the diocese and from other dioceses were the concelebrants.

This was followed by a Felicitation programme.

Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo presided over the felicitation programme in the presence of Bishop Francis Serrao, Bishop Peter Machado, Fr Valerian Mendonca, chancellor, diocese of Udupi; Pramod Madhwaraj, minister for fisheries, sports and youth affairs, Karnataka and Udupi district in-charge minister; K Raghupathi Bhat, former MLA Udupi, Fr Romeo Lewis, parish priest,  Martina and Philomena Aranha, Dubai, Dr Jerry Vincent and Molly Dias of Mandavi Developers and other dignitaries.
A  presbytery was built in the year 2017 which was inaugurated and blessed by Udupi Dean V. Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca.

A permanent Christmas Crib “Gloria In Excelsis Deo” was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Romeo Lewis on 3rd June 2018 which is the centre of attraction throughout  the year for the visitors.

On 07-06-2018 Fr Romeo Lewis was transferred and Fr Anil Dsouza took charge as parish priest.

Parish Priests who have served the Parish since its inception : 

  1. Rev. Fr. Fredrick Pinto (7-10-1958 To 31-10-1961)
  2. Rev. Fr. James H. Andrade (31-10-1961 To 27-02-1977)
  3. Rev. Fr. Norbert Fernandes (27-02-1977 To. 02-12-1979)
  4. Rev. Fr. George Immanuel Dsouza (02-12-1979 To 10-05-1980)
  5. Rev. Fr. Victor Castelino (10-05-1980 To 00-09-1980)
  6. Rev. Fr. Wilfred Gonsalves (29-04-1981 To 12-06-1983)
  7. Rev. Fr. Gilbert Pinto (12-06-1983 To 05-08-1985)
  8. Rev. Fr. Lawrence Dsouza (15-08-1985 To 25-05-1988)
  9. Rev. Fr. Harry Tauro (25-08-1988 To 07-06-1989)
  10. Rev. Fr. Antony J. Dsouza (07-06-1989 To 03-06-1996)
  11. Rev. Fr. Vernan Vas (03-06-1996 To 05-06-1997)
  12. Rev. Fr. James Dsouza (Sr) (05-06-1997 To 27-05-2004)
  13. Rev. Fr. James Dsouza (Jr) (25-05-2004 To 01-06-2007)
  14. Rev. Fr. Romeo Lewis (01-06-2007 To 07-06-2018)
  15. Rev. Fr. Anil Dsouza (From 07-06-2018 onwards)

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff with inputs from
Last updated in Dec 2018.

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