Location :

Brahmavar, a small town on the ever-busy NH 66 (previously known as NH 17), has a special place in historical and cultural annals of the region. It has been mentioned as "Lord Brahma's Vara or Ajapura". It is an ancient cultural centre of the region being adjacent to Barkur, which was the capital town of Tulunadu. Sandwiched between the majestic and serene rivers Sita and Suvarna which originate from the Western Ghats, Brahmavar is surrounded by pristine backwaters which are tourists' paradise.

History : 

Brahmavar has also a significant place in the annals of Catholic Church. In 1839, Pope Gregory XVI issued the Bull, ‘Multa Praeclare’. By this document the spiritual jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Goa over Kanara was transferred to the Propaganda Mission of the Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly. At that time a great majority of the parishioners of the Milagres Church preferred the jurisdiction of the Padroado of Goa along with its Goan Vicar. There was also a small selection of disgruntled parishioners who had developed connections with the Verapoly Mission who chose to be under the latter jurisdiction. This group of parishioners built a separate church namely Rosary Church, just about a kilometre away from the Milagres church.

Then came a calamity for Catholics of the region, a lamentable period of darkness. In 1885 Pope Leo XIII established the Hierarchy of India by his Apostolic Letter 'Humane Salutis Auctor'. The double jurisdiction of the Padroado and the Propaganda Mission came to an end in South Kanara after the signing of the Concordat of 1886 between the Holy See and the Portugal by which eleven parishes of Delegate in Bangalore Msgr Aligardi issued the order from Bangalore in 1887 declaring the Padroado jurisdiction of Goa was extant in South Kanara. The order was published by the Vicar Apostolic of Mangalore who had now become the bishop of Mangalore.

After the promulgation of the Bull “Multa Praeclare” in 1839, there was manoeuvring and behind the scenes struggle for promoting the cause of both the Padroado and the Propaganda jurisdictions from both sides. The Portuguese power in India had declined and they were trying to preserve their influence. Consequently, a great majority of the parishioners of Milagres, because of their long association with the ministry of Goan priests who gave them guidance over the centuries, again preferred to be under the Padroado hoping that they would be accommodated as previously. But when the Goan priests suddenly withdrew and left for Goa in compliance with the order, they were left without right leadership or guidance. They appealed to the Holy See to remain under the Padroado. The clergy of Milagres who were also serving Brahmavar had a greater mission of bringing back the dissidents who had preferred to stay with Padraodo.

Gradually, the hard work and dedication of these priests started paying dividends as after the first period of heat, recriminations and confusion of the feud subsided, in the second thoughts a great number of dissidents from all over came back to the Mother Church. Fr Julian D’Souza was one of these clergies who toiled day and night to form unity among the Catholics of Brahmavar and surrounding areas. He wanted to bring the separated brethren at Brahmavar back into the fold. He built a chapel dedicated to the Holy Family at Brahmavar. It was initially served from Milagres-Kallianpur. Later it was used as the presbytery. Fr Sebastian (Sabas) Fernandes of Giri was put in charge of the mission on May 13, 1933 and made its first parish priest in 1934. Thus Holy Family Church of Brahmavar came into existence officially on April 14, 1934. Fr Sabas worked hard and brought hundreds back to the fold.

It was evident therefore, that the dispute was not on the jurisdiction of the Pope over the parishioners but purely a wish to be under the Padroado on sentimental or emotional basis.

When Fr Sabas felt that he needed to instill and strengthen the Catholic faith among the parishioners of Brahmavar, he invited the Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa to come and establish a convent. Thus Mother Tartia with her two companions arrived in November 1938.

After Fr Sabas, Fr Apoline Mathias was appointed as the parish priest of Brahmavar in 1938 and he went on to serve the parish till 1940.

Fr Alphonsus Marie Ligoury Sequeira (1940-1949) continued the work of Fr Sabas and Fr Apoline. When the number of parishioners grew, he sought the bishop's permission to build a new church in Brahmavar and after obtaining the permission started the construction of the recently-demolished church on August 11, 1946. But he injured his eye accidentally and was transferred to neighbouring Sastan parish. Later while serving in Udupi, he came to visit Brahmavar during the rainy season and on his way back he drowned while crossing the Suvarna river between Baikady-Kallianpur. His decomposed body was fished out in Hangarkatte and was buried in Sastan parish.

Fr Edwin A Castelino (1949-1956) who had been appointed in the place of Fr Alphonsus, continued the construction work of the church and it was blessed on December 8, 1954. In the next couple of years, the then Bishop Basil Peris, invited the Capuchin priests to take over the Brahmavar parish. Following Bishop’s discussion with the Capuchin Provincial Fr Cyril Andrade, Brahmavar parish was handed over to the Capuchins officially on April 15,1956. The diocesan clergy had served the Brahmvar parish for 22 years before it was handed over to the Capuchins. Bishop Basil Peres handed over the administration of this parish to the Capuchins and Fr Alfred Roche became the first Capuchin parish priest of Brahmavar. He set up the main altar of the church and it was consecrated by bishop Raymond D’Mello on April 11, 1961.

Initially Pethri and Neelavar were the sub-stations of Holy Family Church Brahmavar. Over the years Pethri has grown into a separate parish (thanks to the untiring efforts of the late Fr Apolinaris who is fondly known as 'Pethri Padre') while Neelavar is still being served by Holy Family Church. Fr Alfred is still considered as the architect of Brahmavar parish. The humble Capuchin carved a niche for himself among the parishioners through his dedicated services and unflinching love towards the people. He completed the plastering of the church building, got the church electrified and with the help of Sisters of Charity brought the Church bell from Italy. Brahmavar parish blossomed spiritually, financially, academically, socially under the guidance of Fr Alfred Roche. His love for the poor and needy, his concern to each of the parishioners, his jovial nature etc are still etched in the memory of the parishioners. It was during his tenure that Sisters of Charity who had been serving the parish since 1938, started the Nirmala Higher primary and later Nirmala High School which has today grown into a pre-university college.

It was during Fr Alfred Roche’s tenure that first ‘Capuchin’s Family of Brahmvar’ was formed as Fr Daniel and Fr Odoric Devanand joined him in the parish building work. Though parishioners had got a new church, the Capuchin priests were still living in the thatched huts near the church. Having seen the simple but miserable huts of the priests, bishop Raymond helped the Capuchins to build a small presbytery which was blessed in 1966. It was dedicated to the Holy Trinity and the same simple presbytery with some modifications in the later years, still stands as the official house of the Capuchins serving in Brahmavar even today.

It was during Fr Alfred’s tenure that Pethri was carved as a separate parish while a separate Chappel was constructed for the devotees of far-off Neelavar in 1967 in a piece of land donated by Basil D’Souza. Fr Alfred also managed to build a new building for primary school at Handady. He also laid the foundation to make the parish financially independent by building a small commercial complex by the National Highway giving out shops on rent. After giving a yeoman’s service to Brahmavar parish for 13 years, Fr Alfred was transferred to Kasarkod in 1969. Most of the Brahmvar parishioners owe their existence to Fr Alfred. He not only looked after their spiritual needs but also strived a great deal in providing education to children. The parishioners had a fortune of returning this love to Fr Alfred in a small way as the latter came back to Brahmavar in the twilight years of his life in the mid 90s. Golden jubilee of his priesthood was celebrated in a grand way by the parishioners and when finally when he left for his Heavenly abode, the parishioners bid him farewell with heavy hearts. He was laid to rest in the parish cemetery.

After Fr Alfred, Fr Cyril Andrade and Fr Dominic Savio Veigas served Brahmavar as parish priests. During Fr Cyril’s term, the first-ever Parish Pastoral council was formed while Fr Dominic stressed on the spiritual growth of the parishioners establishing Altar Boys, Legion of Mary sodalities, Youth Movement, Franciscan Third Orders etc. It was he who facilitated the building of a new portico, a compound wall to the church and a priest's house at Neelavar chapel. His then assistant Fr Stany D’Cunha rejuvenated the parish youth and encouraged the parishioners not just for spiritual activities but even for cultural activities. It was Fr Dominic who built Raj Sadhan, which went on to become a famous stage that encouraged and brought forth numerous parish talents in the following years. Fr Dominic Savio is back to Brahmavar parish now and has been providing spiritual assistance to parishioners even at his ripe age. He is one of the most loved priests of Brahmavar and the parishioners recently had the fortune of celebrating the golden year of his priesthood.

After Fr Dominic, another devout priest Fr Gregory Vas served as parish priest for over 18 months before Fr Ruper Barboza was appointed as the Vicar in 1979. Young and energetic Fr Rupert proved to be a boon to the parish and he facilitated the entry of boys to the Nirmal high school. The golden jubilee of the Brahmavar parish was planned during his tenure. But he took ill and hence Fr Ronald Menezes was appointed parish priest in 1984. Under his leadership Holy Family Church Brahmavar turned golden and a grand celebration was held to mark the event in 1984. But the Lord had other plans for Fr Ronald and he could not complete his term in the parish due to ill health. His place was filled in by devout, talented Fr Archie Lewis who served as the temporary parish priest for almost a year.

May 1987 brought in a fresh lease of life in the Brahmavar parish. Young, vibrant and dynamic Fr Baptist Braggs took over as the parish priest of Brahmvar and soon became a favourite priest of every parishioner. He was a well-known preacher and his sermons are still fresh in the hearts and minds of parishioners. He had a magnetic charisma that had the ability to pull in everyone towards him. Under his guidance the present, big commercial complex, the multi-facility hall Swarna Bhavana, Nirmala English Medium School etc came into existence. Youth sodalities and other parish associations were enlivened by Fr Braggs and other Capuchin priests who served as Assistant parish priests during this time.

Fr Valerian D’Silva took over the responsibility of the parish after Fr Braggs was transferred in 1994. He was followed by Fr Cornelius, Fr Vitus Prabhudas and Fr Peter Mendonca between 1996-2004. All of these parish priests strived hard to cater to the spiritual as well as other needs of the parishioners. Their contribution strengthening the faith of the devotees and encouraging socio-cultural, academic activities will ever be remembered.

Fr Denis Saldanha was appointed as the parish priest in 2004 and he went on to serve the parish for the next 6 years. His discipline and no-nonsense attitude brought a sea of change in the parish forging unity. He resolved almost all the internal problems that had cropped up in the parish over a decade, renovated the Swarna Bhavan, Church complex, added new shops to the complex, arranged new seats in the church and most importantly increased the income of the parish by renewing the rental agreements of tenants of the Church complex.

Following Fr Denis’ transfer, Fr Antony Vas was appointed parish priest in 2010.

Platinum Jubilee celebration

The Platinum Jubilee of the church was celebrated with religious zeal on May 15, 2011.

Fr Baptist Menezes, the Episcopal Vicar of Udupi district was the main celebrant of the solemn thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration while Fr Vincent Gabriel Furtado, Provincial of Holy Trinity Province of Karnataka of OFM Capuchins, Fr Anthony Vas, parish priest and former parish priests and others were the concelebrants on this joyous occasion.

Inauguration of New Belfry tower of the church

Ahead of the blessing and inauguration of the newly-constructed building of Holy Family Church, the newly-erected belfry tower of the church was blessed and inaugurated on Sunday, December 18, 2016. The Holy Cross at the altar was also blessed on the occasion.

Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, bishop of the diocese of Udupi blessed the belfry tower. Fr Henry Mascarenhas, estate manager, diocese of Udupi, Fr Victor Ferandes, Superior, Holy Family Friary, Brahmavar ,  Fr Anthony Vas, parish priest and others were present.

Inauguration of Newly-built Holy Family Church

The newly-built Holy Family Church was inaugurated and blessed on Wednesday December 28, 2016. 

Fr Joseph Dolphy Pais, provincial, Holy Trinity Province, Karnataka inaugurated the church, while Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, bishop of Udupi diocese blessed it.
Fr Dominic Veigas and Fr Denis Saldhana unveiled the plaque at the entrance  in the presence of Fr Victor Fernandes, superior, Holy Family Friary, Fr Antony Vaz, parish priest, Holy Family Church, Fr Stany B Lobo, dean, Kallianpur deanery, priests from the neighbouring parishes, the diocese and other parts. This was followed by Holy Mass celebrated by the bishop.

Later Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo presided over the public function while Fr Joseph Dolphy Pais, Pramod Madhwaraj, minister for fisheries, sports and youth empowerment and Udupi district in-charge, Fr Antony Vas, parish priest and others were present.

After 7 years of exemplary service , Fr Antony Vas was transferred in 2017 and Fr Victor Ferandes took charge of the parish.

Golden jubilee celebration of St Paul Chapel, Neelavar

The golden jubilee of St Paul Chapel, Neelavar, a sub-station of Brahmavar parish was celebrated with much devotional fervour and glory on Saturday, January 20, 2018.

Dr Gerald Issac Lobo, bishop, diocese of Udupi presided over the thanksgiving Eucharistic celebrations while Dr Joseph Dolphy Pais, provincial, Holy Trinity province of Karnataka, Fr Victor Fernandes, parish priest Holy Family Church, Brahmavar, Fr Roshan D’Souza, assistant parish priest, Fr Dominic Veigas and other priests from the deanery were present.

This was followed by a stage program. In the formal felicitation program, Dr Gerald Issac Lobo, bishop, diocese of Udupi presided, while Dr Joseph Dolphy Pais, OFM, provincial, Holy Trinity province of Karnataka, Pramod Madhwaraj, minister in-charge Udupi, state minister for youths, sports, fisheries, Fr Victor Fernandes, parish priest Holy Family Church, Brahmavar, Fr Roshan D’Souza, assistant parish priest and others were present.

On November 10, 1976, this chapel was inaugurated by the late Basil S D'Souza, former bishop of Mangalore diocese. Late Fr Alfred Roche built the chapel with help of local Catholics. Since then, many priests have served the chapel and concentrated on faith missions.

Silver Jubilee celebration of Nirmala English Medium School

Silver jubilee celebrations of Nirmala English Medium school , Brahmavar was held on a grand scale on Friday November 30, 2018.

Bishop of Udupi diocese, Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, who happens to be the president of Catholic Education Society of Udupi, presided over the programme held at the culmination of the silver jubilee celebrations,  while Kota Srinivas Poojary,  leader of the opposition in Karnataka state legislative council, former minister K Jayaprakash Hedge, Fr Peter Cyprian  D’Silva, provincial superior, Athma Jyothi Ashram, Fr Roshan Dsouza, assistant parish priest, Holy Family Church, Fr Josile D’Silva, headmaster of Nirmala English Medium School and Fr Victor Fernandes, correspondent and others were present on the occasion.

Nirmala English medium school came into existence on June 1, 1993 during the tenure of parish priest Fr John Baptist Braggs.

Blessing of New Chapel at Asha Kiran, Heroor

The newly built chapel at Asha Kiran, Heroor near Brahmavar was blessed by Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo on 3rd April, 2019.
Rev. Fr Joseph Dolphy Pais, the Capuchin Provincial Minister inaugurated the chapel by cutting the ribbon. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo presided over the Eucharistic celebration along with Rev. Fr Joseph Dolphy Pais , Rev. Fr Charles Saldanha, Superior of the Asha Kiran; Rev. Fr Chetan Lobo, Editor of Uzvaad; Rev. Fr Victor Fernandes OFM Cap, Parish Priest of Holy Family Church  Brahmavar; Rev. Fr Roshan D’Souza OFM Cap, Rev. Fr Dominic Veigas and other Capuchin priests. During the mass Bishop blessed the chapel, Cross, Altar and Tabernacle.

Inauguration of  Beatification, Canonization process of ‘Servant of God’ Fr Alfred Roche

The process of beatification and canonization of ‘Servant of God’ Fr Alfred Roche in the diocese was inaugurated on Monday , December 27, 2021 in Holy Family Church, Brahmavar.

Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, bishop, diocese of Udupi celebrated the Holy Eucharistic celebration which also marked the 25th death anniversary of Fr Alfred Roche. Fr Paul Melwyn D’Souza, Capuchin, episcopal vicar for Religious , Mangalore diocese delivered the sermon on the day.

Fr Alwyn Dias, Capuchin, provincial minister, Holy Trinity Province ; Fr Victor Fernandes, parish priest, Brahmavar; Fr Patrick and other Capuchin priests and priests from the diocese took part in the Eucharistic celebration.

Various committees at the diocese level were formed for the cause as per the requirements of the Vatican tribunal. A prayer service was held near the tomb of Fr Alfred Roche.

After exceptional service of 5 years, Fr Victor Fernandes was transferred in 2022 and Fr John Fernandes took charge of the parish.

Parish Priests who have served in the Parish :

  • Fr Sebastian (Sabas) Joachim Fernandes (1934 - 1938) (First Parish Priest)
  • Fr Apoline Mathias (1938 - 1940)
  • Fr Alphonsus Marie Ligoury Sequeira (1940-1949)
  • Fr Edwin A Castelino (1949-1956)
  • Fr Alfred Roche Capuchin (1956 - 1969)
  • Fr Cyril Andrade Cap (1969 - 1971)
  • Fr Dominic Savio Veigas Capu (1971 - 1978)
  • Fr Rupert Barboza Cap (1979 - 1984)
  • Fr Ronald Menezes Cap (From 1984 -  ...)
  • Fr Archie Lewis Cap (... - Till 1987)
  • Fr Baptist Braggs Cap (1987 - 1994)
  • Fr Valerian D’Silva Cap (1994 - 1996)
  • Fr Cornelius Cap (From 1996 - ... )
  • Fr Vitus Prabhudas Cap
  • Fr Peter Mendonca Cap ( ... - Till 2004)
  • Fr Denis Saldanha Cap (2004 - 2010)
  • Fr Antony Vas Cap (2010 - 2017)
  • Fr Victor Fernandes Cap (2017 - 2022)
  • Fr John Fernandes Cap (from 2022 onwards)

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff
Last updated in June 2022.

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