Location :
St. Lawrence Church, Vijayadka, Karopady village in Bantwal taluk is situated 14 Kms South-west from Bantwal and 25 kms South – East from Mangalore City. This Parish is on the edge facing Vittal and Mogarnad to the right, Vorkady and Kayyar towards left.
There are 6 revenue villages close to the church namely Karopady, Chipparu, Baayaru, Kanyana, Saleththoor and Kolnadu. People residing in this area are basically poor farmers.
The Beginning :
Earlier St. Lawrence Church, Karady was part of Ullal (Panir) parish. In 1889, a small chapel was constructed here.
Birth of Twin Parishes:
The Karady St Lawrence Parish and Vorkady Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish are twin parishes in their beginnings. Both were part of Panir parish till 1910. A decree issued by Vicar General and Diocesan Administrator Msgr J.B. Rossi SJ dated 30th of July 1910 proves this historical fact. The said decree detached villages of Karady, Vorkady, Thimmangur and Kolchappu from Panir and formed into a new independent parish dedicated to St Lawrence. Moreover Fr Mathias was the first parish priest of both the parishes of Vorkady and Karady. Even though he was residing earlier in Karady, he later shifted his residence to Vorkady and was celebrating Sunday Mass alternatively in Karady. Once or twice there were even hot discussions in the parish meetings about whether Vorkady or Karady parish is older than the other. The historical references show that Karady was raised to the status of an independent parish on 1st of August 1910 and Vorkady was established on 26th of August 1910. Until 1927 there was no permanent resident parish priest in Karady.
The front facade of Karady Church was built by Fr Victor R. Fernandes (1912- 1923) who was the parish priest of twin parishes. In 1914, Fr Victor R. Fernandes established St Lawrence Elementary School. Later he became the Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore who led the undivided Diocese of Mangalore for 24 years (1931-1955).
In 1926, Fr Denis L. Mathias built the presbytery.
In 1927, Fr Lawrence S. D’Souza was appointed as the permanent resident parish priest of Karady church.
Fr. Raymond J. built the presbytery in 1960.
Fr Victor Saldanha built and electrified the new church in 1967. He is responsible for changing the name Kudupalthadka into Vijayadka.
Fr Peter Serrao started St Lawrence Rural Health Centre at Karady in 1976. This centre was taken over by the Franciscan Hospitalar Sisters in June 2002.
Centenary Celebration of St Lawrence Church :
St Lawrence Church Karady, Vijayadka commemorated its centenary celebration from December 26 - 29, 2010.
Fr Andrew D’Souza, Vicar Vara, Mangalore South Varado, Thirumaleshwara, Mokthesararu, Shree Malaraya and Shree Subraya temple Karopady and Janab Abdul Hameed spoke on December 26 and highlighted the importance of faith.
Fr Andrew D’Souza presided over the programme in the presence of chief guests Sr Lenita D’Souza, provincial superior of UFS, Mangalore, MLA Ramanatha Rai, Bantwal and others.
Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore presided over the thanksgiving mass on December 29 and felicitated the chief guests Fr Andrew D’Souza and Sr Doreen D’Souza, provincial general of UFS.
Foundation Stone laying for new presbytery :
Since the current presbytery is more than 60 years old and beyond repair and renovation, Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha blessed and laid the foundation stone for the new presbytery on 30th September 2021.
Inauguration & Blessing of New Presbytery and Hall :
Inauguration & Blessing of New Presbytery and Hall at St. Lawrence Church, Vijayadka was held on December 22, 2022. Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore was the Main celebrant of the Eucharistic celebration whereas parish priest Rev. Fr. Edwin Santhosh Monis and other priests concelebrated.
Parish Priests who have served in the Parish :
- Rev. Fr. J. S. Mathias (30/7/1910 to 12/5/1911)
- Rev. Fr. Gregory A. D'Souza (12/5/1911 to 12/5/1912)
- Rev. Fr. Victor R. Fernandes (12/5/1912 to 5/12/1923) (later the Bishop)
- Rev. Fr. Denis L. Mathias (5/12/1923 to 1927)
- Rev. Fr. Lawrence D'Souza (1927 – 1928)
- Rev. Fr. V.S.P. Rebello (1928–1930)
- Rev. Fr. Jeorge Menezes, D.D (1930)
- Rev. Fr. J.M. D'Souza (17/10/1930 to 26/5/1935)
- Rev. Fr. J.M. Pinto (26/5/1935 to 29/5/1940)
- Rev. Fr. Apoline Mathias (29/5/1940 to 2/3/1945)
- Rev. Fr. William Veigas (2/3/1945 to 29/11/1947)
- Rev. Fr. Piyad Pinto (21/11/1947 to 24/5/1953)
- Rev. Fr. Alphonse Castelino (24/5/1953 to 14/5/1955)
- Rev. Fr. Raymond J. (14/5/1955 to 5/5/1963)
- Rev. Fr. Victor Saldanha (5/5/1963 to 30/4/1970)
- Rev. Fr. Peter Serrao (30/4/1972 to 7/6/1982)
- Rev. Fr. Richard Saldanha (7/6/1982 to 18/5/1983)
- Rev. Fr. Robert Pinto (18/5/1983 to 14/11/1989)
- Rev. Fr. Gilbert D'Souza (3/11/1989 to 25/5/1996)
- Rev. Fr. Antony D'Souza (25/5/1996 to 27/5/2003)
- Rev. Fr. William Fernandies (26/5/2003 to 19/5/2005)
- Rev. Fr. Peter Aranha (18-5-2005 - 8/6/2012)
- Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas (7/6/2012 - 2019)
- Rev. Fr. Edwin Santhosh Monis (from 2019 onwards )
Compiled by Catholic Time Staff with inputs from stlawrencevijayadka.com and vorkadychurch.com
Last updated in Dec 2021.
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