Birth of the parish

When Rev. Fr Paul Perini S.J., Rector of St Aloysius College, Mangalore took over as the Bishop of Mangalore in 1910, there were only three parishes in Mangalore- Rosario, Milagres and Urwa. Just about that time Cordel Parish was started. Bolar, Codialbail, a major portion of Kadri, the whole of Bejai upto Kavoor, along with the present Cascia and Bajal parishes were under the Rosario Parish. Milagres, Falnir, Kankanady, Bendur, a part of Kadri, Bondel and the area up to Sheddie were under the Milagres Parish. Bishop Perini, along with other projects for the Diocese took up the task of dividing these huge parishes into smaller ones. Formation of Bejai Parish was first taken up. In 1912 a permanent Chaplain was appointed for Bejai and the areas of Bejai, Codialbail, Kavoor, Saag constituted the Bejai Parish.

The people of Bendur requested the Bishop to form a parish for them. As there was no objection from any quarters, Bishop Perini began the preliminaries for the formation of the Bendur Parish.

Towards the end of 1913 the Apostolic Carmel Congregation, bought around thirteen to fourteen acres of land with the idea of building a convent, schools and a college. Rev.Fr Piadade Saldanha, who because of his old age and ill health was residing at his residence at Balmatta used to offer daily Mass at Bendur for the seven or eight Sisters who had their residence at Bendur.

Early in February 1914, the Parish Priest of Rosario V. Rev. Henry Buzzoni S.J. arranged to preach a Retreat for the people of Bendur. Rev. Fr Salvadore, the then parish priest of Cordel preached the retreat and Fr Buzzoni offered Mass for the retreatants. On February 8th the closing day of the retreat Bishop Perini visited Bendur. At this time the people of Bendur presented him a petition and requested him to start a new parish, comprising parts of Bendur and Kadri which were far away from Rosario & Milagres. The Bishop was very pleased with the request.

Within a week after this, around three hundred catholics of Bendur and Kadri, called a meeting which was presided over by the Bishop and passed an unanimous resolution to start a parish at Bendur. It was decided that those who donated Rs.500/- would be Principals, those who donated Rs 250/- would be Founders and those who donated Rs. 125/- would be Benefactors. Msgr Frank Pereira, parish priest of Milagres, offered to be one of the Principals with the consent of the administrative board of the Milagres Parish. Messrs J. Lobo, Piad Machado, Victor Pinto, Gregory Mascarenhas and J.M. Pereira offered to be the founder members. The Bishop and parish priest of Rosario, also offered their financial help, and a committee was formed to raise donations from the public.

On February 20th another meeting was called. The parish priest of Rosario presided over this meeting. At this meeting, it was decided to buy a piece of land from the Apostolic Carmel Congregation from the plot they had already purchased to build a school and subsequently a college for girls. The Parish Priest of Rosario offered to arrange for the transaction. The committee also decided to give him the responsibility of collecting the donations from the public and to prepare a plan for the church building. In the meanwhile it was decided to build a thatched roof structure and go ahead with the formation of the parish. (As per church records, a plot of two acres and ninety cents of land was purchased on September 27th 1918 for a sum of Rs. 4,380/-.)

Around June 1914 a thatched roof structure was erected and Fr Piadade Saldanha started offering mass there. The sisters of St Agnes Convent started attending mass here. Subsequently a stronger and a larger structure with a tiled roof was erected and for about 15 years till the church building was completed, all liturgical services were held in this structure only.

At a meeting held in the Bishop’s house on August 8th 1914, the Bishop, Vicar General Fr Fraccatti and some other members of the clergy prepared the constitution of the Bendur Parish and decided that a twelve member administrative board, like that of Rosario and Milagres Parishes would look after the administration of the new Parish. It was also resolved to start the building work of the church and the parochial house immediately. Later, on August 21st, a decree announcing the formation of the Bendur Parish was published. In this decree, the parish boundaries were defined and St Sebastian was made the Patron of the Parish. Rev. Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas was nominated as the first parish priest.

On Sunday, August 23rd 1914, Fr Buzzoni along with the first parish priest Rev. Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas came to Bendur. The people of Bendur welcomed them joyfully with a brass band and fireworks. Fr Buzzoni read out the decree of the formation of the Bendur Parish and Msgr Mascarenhas offered Mass. That day started the unending work of the spiritual upliftment of the parishioners which is continuing even to this day.

The first administrative board approved by the Bishop had Messrs Joseph Lobo; Victor M. Pinto; Joseph R Pereira and John Emmanuel Vas (all of Upper Kadri) Abraham Farias and Piadado Machado (of Lower Kadri) Francis D’Sa (of Nod Kadri) John Salvadore Mascarenhas; Francis D’Souza and D.R. Baptist (of Lower Bendur); G.J Mascarenhas (of Upper Bendur) along with the Parish Priest as the President of the board. This board at its first meeting held on September 11th 1914 elected Mr Victor M. Pinto as the Secretary cum treasurer of the board as well as the administrator of the parish.

Msgr Mascarenhas with his untiring zeal worked strenuously for the betterment of the parish and within a year started the altar servers sodality. Msgr Mascanenhas who was greatly attached to the children and the youth, influenced many of them to join the seminary and the girls to pursue religious life through his instructions and good example.

Right from the commencement of the parish Msgr Mascarenhas started the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Prayer Apostolate through the Marian Sodalities. He had great devotion to the patron, St Sebastian and fixed every Thursday as a day of devotion to St Sebastian. This devotion is continued even today, but lately the day has been changed to Wednesday. To instil in the parishioners a special devotion to their patron saint, he started the “Kompr” / “Irmaundad” (Confraternity of regular sponsors or donors).

Soon it was realized that the temporary structure was not sufficient to accommodate the congregation on Sundays and feast days. Hence, it was decided to build a larger structure and started its construction without any delay and it was completed before the first Parish Feast that was celebrated in January 1915. Though there were no walls for this structure there were walls behind the altar for a compact and secure sacristy. The pillars were of stone and the structure had a tiled roof. All religious activities took place here till the new church was inaugurated on May 30th 1923. Notable among the various celebrations held in the old structure was the first parish feast held on January 13th 1915 when many parishioners and the Superior of St Agnes Convent generously donated many things required for the church and the main altar.

In the same year lenten services were held on all the Sundays and the statues for the passion of Christ were prepared. The Cross for Good Friday ceremonies, the wooden statue of Christ and the Sepulcher were received as donations from the parishioners.

As the above works were going on, a great need for a cemetery was felt, as the deceased parishioners were buried either in Jeppu or Bejai cemeteries. As the church was within municipal limits it was not permitted to have a cemetery close to the church. It was not easy to obtain land for a cemetery outside the municipal limits, yet not too far from the church. But through the great efforts of the parish priest and some parishioners it was possible to have the cemetery at the location which continues even now. This cemetery was blessed on Sunday the September 6th 1914.

With the growth of the parish a need was felt to have assistant parish priests, and Rev. Fr Sylvester Menezes, who was appointed as the first assistant parish priest, came to the parish on May 15th 1919.

At the very beginning Msgr Mascarenhas realized that good catholic education was needed for a good catholic life. Hence, he took over for the parish, a primary school that was existing at Kadri under a lay management, which was facing some problems. Rev. Fr James Mendonca who later became the Bishop of Tiruchinapalli worked as the headmaster of this school for some time. Very soon Msgr Mascarenhas took up the work of building a school in the church premises which was completed by the end of June 1919 and blessed on the first Sunday of July – and from Monday onwards the students of the school in Kadri started attending the school in this new building. Meanwhile the headmaster Fr Mendonca was appointed as school supervisor by the government and the first assistant parish priest Rev. Fr Sylvester Menezes took over as headmaster. After a year Mr James Fernandes, a qualified and trained teacher was appointed as the headmaster. Meanwhile a school which was being run at Kankanady under the patronage of St Joseph, by a lay management was also taken over by the Bendur parish. Subsequently the school was shifted to its present premises at Kankanady which was a part of the Milagres parish but under a special Decree of the Bishop the building and the site was transferred to the Bendur parish. Over the years it was transferred to the Bethany sisters who have improved and upgraded it to a High School since 1987 with a new building.

In the beginning the parish school had co-education. Soon a separate school was started for girls and this school was dedicated to St Margaret Mary. The Management of the school was subsequently transferred to the Bethany Sisters, who shifted it to their present premises at Lower Bendur.

Meanwhile plans for the church building were in full progress. After selecting the site for the church building, though there were no sufficient funds, it was decided to start the construction relying on the assistance of the Lord and that of the Patron St Sebastian. Since the parish was formed with a few parts of Milagres and Rosario Parishes, the Rosario Parish gave Rs 6700/- and Milagres Parish Rs. 4290/- as their contribution towards the church building. The foundation stone was solemnly blessed on January 7th 1919, but due to lack of funds in spite of the generosity of the parishioners and outsiders the building work progressed slowly. Fr Sylvester Menezes was transferred from the parish on April 30th 1923 and in his place Rev. Fr Ligoury D’Souza came to the parish on May 1st 1923. When the church building was almost complete the first Mangalorean Bishop-Rev. Dr Valerian D’Souza blessed the church on January 3rd 1930 and on the next day consecrated the big marble altar.

Rev. Fr Basil S. Peris came as the assistant parish priest on March 19th 1930 and Fr Ligoury D’Souza left the parish on March 30th 1930 on transfer. Rev. Fr Gaulbert Noronha was appointed as an additional assistant parish priest and came to the parish on April 1st 1930.

In May 1931 when the second Mangalorean Bishop Victor Fernandes appointed the parish priest Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas as the Vicar General of the diocese, a solemn send off was given to him on August 23rd 1931. Msgr Mascarenhas offered mass and Fr Marian Castelino preached the sermon highlighting the great works done by the Monsignor in the Bendur Parish. In the afternoon during the Holy Hour after the Te-Deum was sung, the parishioners offered him a gift of Rs. 300/- which he gave back to the Parish. Msgr Mascarenhas thanked the parishioners for their wholehearted co-operation and requested that he be buried in Bendur, when and wherever he dies and he also requested the parishioners to extend the same co-operation that was extended to him, to all the parish priests who came after him. His advice is followed even to this day. The people of Bendur reached him to the Bishop’s House at Codialbail in a procession accompanied by the brass band and great pomp.

The growth of the parish

On October 4th 1931 Rev. Fr Severine Tellis a devout priest leading an exemplary life took over as the second parish priest of Bendur. Though he was of frail constitution and of delicate health he simultaneously carried on the work of continuing the building of the church and the construction of a new parochial house which was essential, as till then the priests were living in an old soda shop at the main entrance near the road. In the meanwhile Fr Severine’s health kept deteriorating and he resigned as parish priest on January 31st 1933.

Rev. Fr Francis D'Souza, the third parish priest took charge on June 1st 1933. He built a side- altar and dedicated it to St. Francis Xavier. During his time Rev. Fr Lawrence Monteiro took charge as assistant parish priest on April 10th 1934 and Fr Basil Peris left the parish on June 2nd 1934. The St Joseph Higher Primary School at Padav near calvary cross which was started in 1934 was later transferred to the catholic education board which in turn handed over its management to the Bendur parish. This school was shifted to its present site in 1935 & still runs at the same site in a new building. Fr Gaulbert Noronha was transferred from the parish on March 2nd 1935 and in his place Rev. Fr Joseph D’Souza came on May 19th 1935 as the new assistant. Fr Lawrence Monteiro left the Parish on June 26th 1936 on transfer. Fr Francis D’Souza died on June 26th 1936, and was buried in the Bendur church.

Rev. Fr Charles Lobo, the fourth parish priest took charge on August 17th 1936. He started the women’s sodality in the parish and encouraged the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows. Fr Joseph D’Souza was the assistant parish priest till May 24th 1937 and Rev. Fr Joachim Pereira came in his place on June 5th 1937. The Silver Jubilee of the parish was celebrated in 1939 preceded by a retreat of seven days. Rev. Fr Marian Castelino preached sermons during the retreat. On the Jubilee Day, a Sunday, Msgr Raymond Mascarnhas celebrated the Solemn High Mass and exposed the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. In the evening Msgr Mascarnhas preached the sermon after which a Eucharistic procession was taken out and finally the congregation was blessed from the newly completed church balcony which was illuminated with electric lights.

Rev. Fr Basil Fernandes came as assistant parish priest on May 18th 1940. Fr Joachim Pereira was transferred on May 31st 1942 and Rev. Fr Aveline D’Silva came as assistant parish priest on February 11th 1943.

In 1944 Bishop V.R. Fernandes started the Padua High School at Nanthur under the patronage of St Antony of Padua to encourage religious vocations among the youth. Rev. Fr Fredrick Pais was appointed as the first headmaster and worked in the school for eight years. In the beginning the classes were held from standard VI to matric – only for boys. Presently the school conducts classes from std VIII to std X. The school had a boarding house up to 1985 and has produced many vocations for priesthood from among the resident boys.

Fr Charles Lobo was transferred to Bejai Parish on May 10th 1945 and in his place Rev. Fr Louis D’Silva from the Hospet parish came to Bendur as the fifth parish priest on the same day. Fr Basil Fernandes, who was the assistant parish priest was transferred on December 24th 1945. Fr Aveline D’Silva was transferred on June 23rd 1946 and in his place Rev. Fr John F. Rodrigues came as an assistant parish priest on June 24th 1946. Fr John F. Rodrigues served till his transfer on December 19th 1947.

Rev. Fr Felix A. Concessao came as an assistant parish priest on December 23rd 1947. A lot of spiritual development took place during the time of Fr Louis D’Silva. He encouraged the activities of the Legion of Mary in the Parish. But very soon, he was transferred to the parish of St Lawrence, Karkal, and in his place Rev. Fr Denis Sequeira took over as the sixth parish priest on October 1st 1948. Fr Denis Sequeira was the parish priest till November 30th 1951 when he was transferred to Rosario Parish, Kallianpur.

Rev. Fr Marian Fernandes who had come to the parish on January 1st 1950 as assistant parish priest took over as the seventh parish priest on November 29th 1951 according to the Bishop’s orders. He worked to get the bells that were ordered from Germany by Fr Charles Lobo & started to collect funds to build a suitable belfry. But he was transferred as the director of Fr Muller Hospital on May 31st 1952. Rev. Fr Basil Peris became the eighth parish priest of Bendur on June 31st 1952, being a parishioner he grew up in Bendur and soon after his ordination had also served as assistant parish priest. But within three months he was appointed the auxiliary Bishop of Mangalore and went to the Bishop’s house at Codialbail. During this time Rev.Fr Alexander F. D’Souza came on July 29th 1952 as assistant parish priest.

After Fr Basil Peris Rev. Fr Alexander B. Pinto came as the ninth parish priest and took charge on September 25th 1952 and served the parish for 10 years. Fr Felix Concessao was transferred from the parish on June 1st 1954 and Rev.Fr Peter Lobo came as the new assistant parish priest on the same day. Fr Alexander D’Souza left on September 21st 1955 and Rev. Fr Robert M. Pinto was the new assistant parish priest from September 24th 1955. Fr Peter Lobo was transferred on February 11th 1956. Rev.Fr Aloysius A. Serrao came as assistant parish priest on April 10th 1956 and served the parish till December 2nd 1956. Rev. Fr Peter Nazareth was the new assistant parish priest from April 8th 1957. Fr Robert Pinto was transferred on April 24th 1959 and in his place Rev. Fr William Gonsalves served as the assistant parish priest from April 29th 1959 to October 21st 1959. Rev. Fr Mark Fernandes came as the assistant parish priest on April 25th 1960. Fr Peter Nazareth was transferred on April 25th 1961 and in his place Rev. Fr Raymond Moras came as the assistant parish priest on April 27th 1961 and served the parish till April 7th 1962. During the time of Fr Alexander Pinto, the bells that were ordered from Germany by Rev. Fr Charles Lobo the fourth parish priest, and that were delayed because of the second world war, arrived in the parish. But before he could build a suitable belfry for them, he was transferred to Rosario Parish on April 4th 1962.

Rev. Fr Albert Pinto took charge as the tenth parish priest on April 3rd 1962. Fr Albert Pinto raised funds from the parishioners and built the new belfry. Vicar General Rev. Msgr William Lewis blessed the bells on January 1st 1963. The bells were rung for the first time on Sunday January 8th during the Eucharistic Procession in connection with the annual parish feast. Fr Albert Pinto worked with missionary zeal without caring for his health. Even during inclement weather he visited the poor and the sick in their houses to console and encourage them. He worked tirelessly to unite broken homes and to bring back those who were straying into other sects. He also worked among the alchoholics and the mentally retarded. Fr Albert Pinto was a good counsellor. Irrespective of caste or creed he used to visit the houses of Hindus and Muslims, and they used to respect him as God’s chosen one. Rev. Fr Lawrence Fernandes came as assistant parish priest on April 27th 1963 and Fr Mark Fernandes left the parish on transfer on April 29th 1963. Rev. Fr Hilary Sanctis also came as assistant parish priest on April 30th 1963 and served the parish till October 18th 1964. Rev. Fr Lawrence Gomes came to Bendur as the assistant parish priest on April 3rd 1967 and Fr Lawrence Fernandes left the parish on April 4th 1967 on transfer. Fr Albert Pinto started the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, held every Saturday. Realizing the need for a hall he raised funds from the parishioners and built a parish hall in 1968.

The Golden Jubilee of the parish was celebrated during his time from January 31st to February 7th 1965. On January 31st the Holy Eucharist was exposed for public Adoration at 4.15 p.m. Rev. Fr Claud D’Souza offered the Solemn High Mass followed by the Eucharistic procession and the blessing of the Holy Eucharist. During the week, masses were offered for the departed souls of the Founders, Benefactors and Parishioners. Masses were also offered for the intentions of the surviving Benefactors, Donors and the Parishioners. On Sunday February 7th a non-vegetarian meal was served to about 4200 people. This meal was cooked by the volunteers of the parish. The same evening Rev. Msgr Alexander Pinto parish priest of Rosario offered the Thanksgiving Solemn High Mass. During the public function after the mass the parish administrator read a paper depicting the history and progress of the parish. The sacristan Mr Jacob Correa who had served for 50 years from the beginning of the parish was honoured. Fr Lawrence Gomes was transferred from the parish on September 13th 1969 and on the same day Rev. Fr John D’Souza took over as the new assistant parish priest.

The untiring work by Fr Albert Pinto had its effect on his health which deteriorated rapidly and he died on November 2nd 1971. On the following day after the funeral services he was buried inside the church building.

In view of Fr Albert Pinto’s sickness Rev. Fr Alexander F. D’Souza took charge as the eleventh parish priest on October 3rd 1971. On November 1st 1971 he conducted a prayer service for the first time in the cemetery in the evening. He installed a new altar according to the new rite for mass to be offered facing the people. Rev. Fr Mark Walder took over as assistant parish priest on March 1st 1972. Fr John D’Souza was transferred on May 21st 1972 and in his place Fr Cyril D’Souza came as the new assistant parish priest on May 27th 1972. After serving for about one and a half years in the parish Fr Alexander D’Souza was made the Vicar General of the Diocese on May 27th 1973.

Rev.Fr Nicholas J. Pereira came to Bendur as the twelfth parish priest on May 27th 1973. During this time Rev. Fr Arthur Pereira came to Bendur as assistant parish priest on May 25th 1976 in the place of Fr Cryil D’Souza who was transferred from Bendur on June 3rd 1976. Due to the transfer of Fr Arthur Pereira on May 26th 1978, Rev. Fr Joswey Fernandes came in his place on the same day.

Fr Nicholas Pereira gave a new impetus to the religious activities in the parish. He was very generous towards the poor and gave a lot of aid to them. He also gave a lot of financial help to the society of St Vincent de Paul. Fr N.J. Pereira died on October 30th 1980 after serving the parish for seven years. He is buried in the Bendur Parish Cemetery.

Rev. Fr Stanley Pereira took over as the thirteenth parish priest on January 3rd 1981. On February 11th the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes he started the devotion near the grotto by taking out a procession to the grotto and reciting the rosary concluding with the Eucharistic blessing. As there wasn’t enough student strength in St Margaret Mary’s School for girls run by the Bethany Sisters and the St Sebastian School for boys of the church they were merged in 1986. Since then this school has continued as St Sebastian’s Higher Primary School. But since 1987 this school, given to the Bethany sisters has shifted from the church compound to the Bethany premises. In the same year a kindergarten for small children was started in the church compound. Fr Pereira was ably assisted by Rev. Fr Roque D’Souza who came on May 9th 1981 in place of Fr Joswey Fernandes who was transferred on April 30th 1981. Rev. Fr Valerian D’Souza came on May 14th 1983 in place of Fr Roque D’Souza who left the parish along with Fr Mark Walder on transfer on May 13th 1983. Rev. Fr Lancy D’Souza came to the parish on May 17th 1986 and Fr Valerian D’Souza left the parish on transfer on May 19th 1986.

Fr Stanley Pereira restarted the evening procession on Palm Sunday. On Good Friday he had the cross erected in front of the church and conducted the ceremony of lowering the body of Christ from the cross with devotion and taking it in procession in a cradle (a replica of the sepulchre of Jesus). He printed and published the life history of St Sebastian along with the Novena prayers. As directed by the Bishop in January 1986 smaller wards were created increasing the number of wards from 10 to 21 and appointed new Gurkars to all these wards. Fr Pereira wanted to start a parish bulletin and even brought out some trial issues of the same named as “Voice of Bendur”, as a start to the Parish Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. He also appointed an editorial board for the publication of this bulletin under his guidance and leadership. He also started preparations for the Platinum Jubilee of the parish but soon afterwards he was transferred to Udayavar on May 24th 1987.

On May 23rd 1987 Rev. Fr Gregory L. DaCruz took over as the fourteenth parish priest. The assistant parish priests who assisted Fr DaCruz were Rev. Fr Roque Victor D’Sa from June 16th 1987 to June 4th 1990. Rev. Fr William Menezes from June 23rd 1987, who took the place of Fr Lancy D’Souza who was transferred on June 22nd 1987, worked till June 5th 1989. Rev. Fr Elias D’Souza took the place of Fr William Menezes on June 6th 1989 and worked in the parish till May 17th 1991. Rev. Fr Joseph Martis took the place of Rev. Fr Roque D’Sa and worked in the parish from June 4th 1990 till June 1st 1992. On the transfer of Fr Elias D’Souza, Rev. Fr Valerian Menezes came to the parish on May 20th 1991 and served till May 28th 1993. Rev. Fr Maxim Noronha served as the assistant parish priest from May 27th 1993 till May 23rd 1994. Rev. Fr Eric Crasta took over from Fr Joseph Martis on May 27th 1992 and served till March 1st 1994. Rev. Fr Edwin Mascarenhas was the assistant parish priest from May 17th 1994 to May 5th 1997 and Rev. Fr Reginald Pinto from October 31st 1994 to May 27th 1996.

Fr DaCruz was devout and kind hearted. He was very generous towards the poor and the needy and worked hard to increase spirituality among the parishioners. He gave impetus to the working of the Platinum Jubilee Committee and formed sub committees to look into the various aspects of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

The Platinum Jubilee year was inaugurated on January 20th 1988 with the lighting of the lamp by Rev. Dr Basil S. D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore and offering a solemn High Mass on the church grounds with over 60 priests concelebrating the mass. The Bishop preached the sermon during the mass and congratulated the people of Bendur. He also encouraged them to live their faith with renewed vigour. Rev. Fr DaCruz thanked all those present and informed them that the Platinum Jubilee committee had selected the theme “Union with Jesus through Mary” for the Jubilee. He hoped that the Jubilee year will benefit the parishioners spiritually. Two retreats were arranged during the Jubilee year- first one from October 30th to November 5th 1988 to be preached by Rev. Fr Francis Rebello S.J. and the second one by Rev. Fr John Monis, a Carmelite, from January 9th to 14th 1989.

Three seminars were held during the year, first one on the subject ‘Good Alter Boy’, conducted by Rev. Fr Stany Goveas and Rev. Fr Roque D’Souza. The second one was a two day seminar on “Role of Liturgy in the Catholic Church” conducted by Rev. Fr Mark Veigas, Rev. Fr Basil Vas and Rev. Fr Mark Castelino on July 2nd and 3rd 1988 and the third one on “Sunday Catechism” conducted by Rev. Fr Henry D’Souza and Rev Fr Henry Sequeira on August 20th and 21st 1988. During the year, four crosses were taken round in the parish under the leadership of the Gurkars. They were taken from house to house, to all the houses in the parish for prayer and adoration.

The Konkani drama on the life of St Sebastian the patron saint “Soldier Saint” written by Mr Claude D’Souza and directed by Prof. Alban Castelino was also enacted in the Don Bosco Hall on November 6th and 12th 1988, as a part of the Jubilee Programme. On December 11th 1988 the Bishop blessed the foundation stone for the Jubilee Memorial Hall, which was laid by the Mayor Mr P.M. Castelino. Various types of games and competitions such as festival cricket match, singing, dance, fancy dress and variety entertainment were held for the parishioners throughout the year and inter – parish throwball competition for ladies and inter – parish cricket tournament for men were held.

January 17th 1989 was celebrated as the Eucharistic Day. Fr Lawrence S.Pais, the one who was the first person to be baptized in the newly formed Bendur parish lit the lamp of the closing function of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and concelebrated the thanksgiving mass along with a number of guest priests. The Blessed Sacrament was kept for public adoration the whole day and the parishioners took turns to worship. A holy hour was conducted from 5 to 6 p.m and at 6.00 p.m. The Vicar General Msgr Aloysius D’Souza concelebrated the mass and preached the sermon. The Blessing of the Holy Euchrist was given after the Mass.

The feast of St Sebastian was celebrated as Thanksgiving Day on January 19th. Mangalore Bishop Basil S. D’Souza and Bishop Patrick D’Souza the Bishop of Varanasi diocese along with over 75 priests concelebrated the solemn High Mass on the open grounds in front of the church which was attended by over 3,000 faithful. Fr. Henry Castelino, a parishioner preached the sermon giving a glimpse of the history of the parish.

From April 1994 the parish bulletin “Voice of Bendur” was published every month by the editorial board under the leadership of Fr Gregory L.DaCruz. Mr Aloysius D’Souza took over as the first editor of the bulletin in August 1994.

As a Jubilee souvenir the Platinum Jubilee Auditorium was erected. This is now generating funds for the parish, as till then, the parish was solely dependent on the generosity of the parishioners. Fr DaCruz started a fund to meet the needs of the poor students of the parish. After serving the parish for 8 years and on completion of 75 years of his life, Fr DaCruz retired from the parish on May 4th 1995.

Rev. Fr Joseph Tauro took over as the fifteenth parish priest on May 24th 1995, and was assisted by Rev. Fr Faustine Lobo from June 4th 1996 to June 14th 1997, Rev. Fr Jerome D’Souza from June 6th 1997 to May 18th 1998, Rev. Fr Ivan D’Mello from May 27th 1997 to May 21st 1998, Rev. Fr Joseph Lobo from May 20th 1998 to May 29th 2000, Rev. Fr Ronald Miranda from May 29th 1998 to May 14th 1999, Rev. Fr Cyril D’Souza from May 16th 1999 to May 20th 2000, Rev. Fr Nelson D’Almeida from May 20th 2000 to May 22nd 2002, Rev. Fr Alponse D’lima from May 22nd 2000 to July 9th 2001, Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza from May 13th 2001 to May 27th 2002, Rev. Fr Sunil C. D’Silva from May 23rd 2002 to May 18th 2004, and Rev. Fr Robert Pinto from October 19th 2002 to May 18th 2003.

Fr Tauro liked to work with the poor and for the poor, and consequently devoted his time and energy for their betterment. In spite of his poor health he used to visit the poor, the sick and the elderly regularly. He was approachable by all parishioners, especially by those with problems. He was a good writer and also started a matrimonial column in the parish bulletin. Realising the need for a modern parochial house a new house was built in the place of the old one. He was very generous to the Society of St Vincent de Paul and supported them in helping the poor in the parish. He started the English Medium School and the P.U. College with suitable amenities at Padua. He started the Bendur unit of the Catholic Sabha. On completion of seven years service in the parish he was transferred to Bejai Parish on May 24th 2003.

Rev. Fr Peter S. Noronha took charge as the sixteenth parish priest on May 23rd 2003. Being a dynamic personality he came with a vast knowledge and experience having worked in various parishes and institutions. Besides working for the spiritual development of the parishioners, he also beautified the church, the church compound, especially by growing and maintaining a beautiful garden and planted trees for shade all round the church and the auditorium. He set up a beautiful altar for Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He beautified the grotto with a water fountain and a Crucifix was erected by its side. This Crucifix used to be venerated on Good Friday services during the Holy week.

Fr Noronha was assisted in the parish work by Rev. Fr Rudolph Ravi D’Sa from May 20th 2004 to May 17th 2007, Rev. Fr Santhosh Rodrigues from July 20th 2004 to May 17th 2006, Rev. Fr Melwyn Rajesh Rosario from May 18th 2006 to May 16th 2008. Rev. Fr Vincent Lobo served as assistant parish priest from May 18th 2007 to May 23rd 2009, Rev. Fr Naveen Prakash Pinto from May 15th 2008 to May 25th 2009, Rev. Fr Sylvester Vincent Pinto from May 22nd 2009 to May 31st 2011, Rev. Fr Rocky Fernandes from May 30th 2009 to May 17th 2010. And Rev. Fr Anil Canute D’Mello, from May 14th 2010 to June 4th 2012.

With the influx of a lot of new families to the parish as well as to the parochial wards, the wards were further divided during the time of Fr Noronha and the number of wards has grown to 32 from the previous 21. Additional Gurkars have been elected from each ward to take charge of the same. Along with Rev Fr Michael Santhumayor the principal of the Padua P.U. College, Fr Noronha worked hard to open a Degree College at Padua, and started the work of the required building for this college.

Fr Peter Norohna’s Platinum Jubilee was auspiciously celebrated by the parishioners on January 31st 2011, with a Solemn High Mass which was concelebrated by two Bishops and almost 150 priests. A special souvenir was released on the occasion at the public function after the mass and a special “Fr Peter S. Noronha Jubilee Education Trust’’ was launched to benefit the needy and deserving parish youth aspiring for higher education.

Founder Vicar Mnsgr. Raymond Mascarenhas Declared ‘Servant of God’ :

The ceremony of the declaration of Founder Vicar Monsignor Raymond F C Mascarenhas (popularly known in his days as RFC Mascarenhas ) as ‘Servant of God’ was held at St Sebastian Church on June 16, 2008.

Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore declared him as ‘Servant of God’ on this occasion and recalled the achievements of Monsignor Raymond Mascarenhas.  The Bishop was the main celebrant at the holy Eucharist. Vicar General Monsignor Denis Moras Prabhu and other senior priests of the city were the concelebrants.

Sr Lilis of the Bethany congregation informed the gathering about the miracle that took place in the name of Raymond Mascarenhas. The cause for his beatification and eventual sainthood is already in the process.

Fr Peter Noronha retired on June 3rd 2011.

Rev. Fr Antony Michael Serrao took over as the seventeenth parish priest on June 3rd 2011. Rev. Fr Paul Crasta came on June 2nd 2012 and Rev. Fr John Baptist Moras came on June 6th 2012 as assistant parish priests. The Padua Degree College with B.Com and BBM courses were started after his arrival, with Rev Fr Michael Santhumayor as its first Principal. In Bendur Fr Serrao already proved to be a good organizer and administrator. He gave impetus to the growth and development of the Padua Educational Institutions. Being a spiritual person himself he worked for the spiritual development of the parish. Though a man of few words he was very sensitive and generous to the needs of the parishioners. Fr Serrao has also added a mini hall to the parish house exclusively for meetings of the parish associations and the parish pastoral parishad and started the preparatory work of the Centenary Celebrations of the Parish. He was transferred in June 2018.

Centenary celebrations

The centenary celebrations of St Sebastian Church culminated with a grand event at the Church ground on Sunday January 19, 2014. The celebrations began with a Eucharistic Mass led by Archbishop of Bangalore Dr Bernard Moras, who was also the chief guest for the formal stage programme. Bishop of Mangalore diocese Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza presided over the ceremony. Bishop of Bellary Dr Henry D'Souza, union minister for petroleum and natural gas Dr Veerappa Moily, state ministers U T Khadar, Abhaychandra Jain, Ramanath Rai, Sr M Wilberta and others were present on the dais.

Rev. Fr. Vincent F Monteiro took over as the eighteenth parish priest on June 6th 2018.

Msgr Leslie Shenoy community hall inauguration

It was indeed a momentous day for the clergy and the parishioners of St Sebastian Church, Bendore as they witnessed the blessing and inauguration of the newly constructed Msgr Leslie Shenoy Community Hall on Sunday October 4, 2020. It is fully air-conditioned and can accommodate up to 275 people.

Prior to the inauguration, thanksgiving Mass was celebrated by Msgr Leslie as the main celebrant along with the parish priest and other priests of Bendore parish. Fr Walter D’Mello broke the word of God.

Soon after the mass Msgr Leslie Shenoy inaugurated the community hall by cutting the ribbon and Fr Antony Shera, the former parish priest unveiled the plaque. The parish priest Fr Vincent Monteiro led the prayer and blessed by sprinkling holy water. This was followed by a short stage programme where Monsignor was honoured with the shawl, garland, Peta and a memento by the dignitaries on the stage.

Parish Priests who have served in the parish : 

  1. Rev. Fr. Raymond Mascarenhas (1914-1931)(Founder Vicar)
  2. Rev. Fr. Severine Tellis – (1931-1933)
  3. Rev. Fr.Francis D’Souza – (1933-1936)
  4. Rev. Fr.Charles Lobo – (1936-1945)
  5. Rev. Fr. Louis D’Silva – (1945-1948)
  6. Rev. Fr. Denis Sequeira (1948-1951)
  7. Rev. Fr. Marian Fernandes (1951-1952)
  8. Rev. Fr. Basil Peres – (1952)
  9. Rev. Fr. Alexander Pinto – (1952-1962)
  10. Rev. Fr. Albert Pinto – (1962-1971)
  11. Rev. Fr. Alexander D’Souza – (1971 -1973)
  12. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Pereira – (1973-1980)
  13. Rev. Fr. Stanley Pereira – (1981-1987)
  14. Rev. Fr. Gregory L D’Cruz – (1987-1995)
  15. Rev. Fr. J.P.Tauro – (1995 – 2003)
  16. Rev. Fr. Peter S. Noronha (2003 -2011)
  17. Rev. Fr. Antony Serrao (2011 – 2018)
  18. Rev. Fr. Vincent F Monteiro (from June 6th 2018 onwards)

Compiled by Catholic Time staff with inputs from
Last updated in Dec 2020.

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