"Saint Joseph Church Soorikumeru Borimar" is situated amidst the natural green forests, in the lap of lush green hills, inviting devotees to its devotion.
The Church was founded in a place called Soorikumeru, around 600 meters away from Mani Gramapanchayath on Mangaluru - Bengaluru National Highway-75 in Bantwala Taluku. It’s 131 glorious years since it is founded in the year 1893. It has earned a great name and fame by its huge contributions to the Christian Society, by the generous services collectively rendered by various Parish Priests, Nuns and Devotees over the years, it has achieved a lot of development and has become a word of mouth among the Dioceses across and the landscape around the church stands as a testimony on itself.

Saint Joseph Church Soorikumeru Borimar has a great history to speak of. In the year 1893, the order was passed by then Bishop of Mangalore Diocese, the Most Rev. Dr Nicolaus Maria Pagani, to have a separate Church from Moganard Parish and establish in Barimaru village of Bantwala Taluku under the leadership of Rev. Fr Camillus Rego. He served there as the Parish Priest from the year 1893 to 1900. Later, from the year 1900 to 1901, Rev. Fr Antony Colaco served as the Parish Priest. During his time, at the request of the devotees of the church, the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese appointed Rev. Fr Sebastian Norohna, Parish Priest of Puttur Church as the first permanent Parish Priest of Saint Joseph Church Soorikumeru Borimar. He served here from the year 1901 to 1904 followed by the tenure of Rev. Fr Gregory D'Souza from 1904 to 1906. Rev. Fr Dennis Louis served the church from the year 1906 to 1913. He started a Kannada medium school in the name of Saint Joseph. This was followed by the service rendered by Rev. Fr Monthu Menezes between 1913 and 1916. Rev. Fr David Coelho, in his tenure from 1916 to 1929, gave priority to the development of basic amenities of the church and the school, thus pioneering a new era of development. Rev. Fr A.J. Silva continued this developmental work during his tenure between 1929 and 1931.

Shifting of Saint Joseph Church from Barimaru to “Soorikumeru”

Around 90 years ago, Saint Joseph Church was shifted from Barimaru village to Soorikumeru of Mani village, Bantwala Taluku. A new Church was built under the stewardship of Rev. Fr Leo Carvalho and the Church was inaugurated by the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese, the Most Rev. Dr Victor Fernandes, which was named "SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH SOORIKUMERU BORIMAR".

Even after completing 125 years and celebrating its quas-qui-centennial year, it continues to be known as "Saint Joseph Church Soorikumeru Borimar". Even at the entrance of the church which is newly built with modern architectural design, marking the quas-qui-centennial year, the same name is engraved. The Bishop of Mangalore Diocese, Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha inaugurated this grand entrance Arch on 20th November 2019.

Over a period of 34 years, beginning from 1938 to 1972 the Parish saw a holistic development because of the immense dedication shown by Rev. Fr Alphons Castelino, Rev. Fr Robert Govias, Rev. Fr William Veigas, Rev. Fr Rosario Fernandes, Rev. Fr Gabriel Castelino, Rev. Fr C. J. Mathias, Rev. Fr Victor Mendonca and Rev. Fr Ambrose Aranha who have worked as the Parish Priests of the Parish from 1938 to 1972 respectively.

Rev. Fr Maxim Furtado served as the Parish Priest from 1972 to 1977. With his spiritual approach and genial attitude towards the people, he worked for the development of the Parish. Apart from introducing many programmes to improve the revenue of the Parish, he worked towards the construction of the presbytery and established many unions and organisations like the Sodality of the Altar Servers and Catholic Youth Organisation in 1975.

Rev. Fr Lawrence Martis, who served as the Parish Priest from 1977 to 1984 executed many new programs during his tenure. It was during his time, a lot of developments were accomplished for the wellbeing of the Parish. These include many progressive works like performing socially relevant plays, organising youth festivals, constructing new houses for more than 25 families that come under the sphere of the church in association with C.O.D.P., Mangalore, Mother and Childcare Centre (MCH), electricity facilities, providing benches for the church, fixing the sound system and construction of a new bell tower in 1983-84.

Rev. Fr Archibald Albuquerque served as the Parish Priest between 1984 and 1991. Along with motivating all the families to participate in the events of the church, he also organized many spiritual workshops and made Catholic Education compulsory for all the children of the families that were devoted to the Parish. Alongside providing fans and generator facility for economically backward families and even established a fund for their support.

During the tenure of Rev. Fr Peter Fernandes, the centenary year of Saint Joseph Church and Saint Joseph Aided Higher Primary School was celebrated with pomp. To increase the income, eight cents of land near the entrance of the church was converted and four shops were built. To accommodate the sisters of CSST congregation and help them render their services to the Parish and the school regularly, a convent was established. It was named "Jeevan Nilaya". Also, a new Church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in Shambur of Bantwala Taluku.

During his tenure between 1998 and 2005, Rev. Fr Michael Marcel D'Silva constructed a new building for Saint Joseph Aided Higher Primary Kannada Medium School. Also, Infant Jesus Ward was established in the church.

Rev. Fr Oswald Monteiro got the roof of the church renovated during his tenure between 2005 and 2006.

Rev. Fr Gerald Francis Pinto, during his tenure between 2006 and 2013 planted a rubber plantation in the Parish land. This improved further revenue of the Parish. He also got the Parish office renovated with modern facilities.

During his short tenure in the year 2013, Rev. Fr Naveen Pinto as parochial Parish Priest gave a new design to the residence of the Parish Priest.

During his service between the years 2013 and 2018, Rev. Fr Melvin Noronha started the practice of Retreat Prayer on the first Sunday of every month. This continued for about 60 months successively and enriched the spiritual lives of the families of the Parish. It helped in bringing harmony among the families by keeping away misunderstandings and troubles. A Souharda Christmas celebration was organised in Gandhi Stadium of Mani with a motto of passing on the message of coexistence among the people of all religions. He also installed a projector in the church. Saint Mother Teresa Ward was established for the benefit of the devotees. New benches were supplied for the church with the help of the contribution from the devotees. His dedication and hard work initiated many programs that were conducted marking the 125th year of the Parish. Also, during this time Saint Joseph English Medium School Soorikumeru was founded.

Quas -qui -Centennial Year Celebration

Since taking charge as the Parish Priest on 3rd June 2018, Rev. Fr Gregory Pereira has been working for the holistic development of the Parish. He has become an inspiration to the entire state by starting an agricultural revolution in the land belonging to the church with the motto, "Hasire Usiru" (Greenery is Life). He believes that farming is equal to praying to God and he worked in his leisure time. Thus, he has become an inspiration to the people around. He seized everyone's attention by converting the rubber plantation one with areca, papayas, yams, drumsticks, green leaves, pumpkins, tapioca and other vegetables through organic farming. He has not only inspired the farmers with his work in the field of agriculture but also given new energy to the farming culture in the neighbouring villages.

During his tenure, the quasi-qui-centennial year of the church was celebrated orderly for the entire year with the cooperation of the Development Committee of the Parish. All 156 families that come under the sphere of the Parish took part in all the programs and development activities planned as part of the celebration. Their participation in every way possible in these initiatives created a new history. Several events were organized every month on account of quasi–qui-centennial year celebrations of the Parish beginning from 4th September 2018 in the presence of the Archbishop and Emeritus Arch bishop of Bengaluru, Bishops and Parish Priests of different dioceses. These included programmes for people of all age, establishment of Mother Mary's Grotto with a modern design and construction of an attractive entrance to the Church, a model of the Mount Calvary's 14 stations of Crucifixion, construction of concrete road, pedestrian paths on the either sides of the road, installation of 8 solar lights, sound system, CCTV cameras and water purifiers, allocation of sites and construction of homes for two homeless families, breakfast on every Sunday for students receiving Catholic Education, construction of an open air theatre in the very place where the celebrations of quasi-qui-centennial year took place, installation of high mast light, recognition of Fatima ward as the 9th ward of the Parish, planting of 2000 areca nut saplings to bring revenue to the Parish, construction of washrooms for the use of the devotees, opening of a security deposit with the income received from agriculture, construction of an auditorium to accommodate about 200 audience, painting of the Presbytery, digging of two bore wells, construction of pump sheds, flag post near the church, establishment of SVP union, Third Ordination Association, Legion of Mary Union, re-establishment of Catholic Sabha, conversion of the land where the church building existed and preservation of all the property documents of the church. By availing grant from minority department and renovating the Parish Cemetery, Church compound wall and constructing 3.5 lakhs litres capacity of water tank are the accomplishments of Rev. Fr Gregory Pereira.

Due to Covid-19 strength of the students decreased and so the Catholic Board of Education of Mangalore Diocese closed down Saint Joseph English and Kannada Medium Schools of Soorikumeru.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Saint Joseph Church Soorikumeru Borimar has carved a special place as a model Parish in the history of Mangalore Diocese.

History last updated on February 26, 2024 with inputs from Rashmi Kiran Fernandes, Soorikumeru.


Parish Priests who have served in the parish : 

  • Fr Camillus Rego (1893 - 1900)
  • Fr Antony Colaco (1900 - 1901)
  • Fr Sebastian Norohna (1901 - 1904)
  • Fr Gregory D’Souza (1904 - 1906)
  • Fr Denis Lewis (1906-1913)
  • Fr Monthu Menezes (1913 - 1916)
  • Fr David Coelho (1916 - 1929)
  • Fr A.J. Silva (1929 - 1931)
  • Fr Leo Carvalho (1931-1938)
  • Rev. Fr Alphons Castelino, Rev. Fr Robert Govias, Rev. Fr William Veigas, Rev. Fr Rosario Fernandes, Rev. Fr Gabriel Castelino, Rev. Fr C. J. Mathias, Rev. Fr Victor Mendonca and Rev. Fr Ambrose Aranha (1938 to 1972)
  • Fr Maxim Furtado (1972 - 1977)
  • Fr Lawrence Martis (1977 - 1984)
  • Fr Archibald Albuquerque (1984 - 1991)
  • Fr Peter Fernandes (1991 - 1998)
  • Fr Michael D’Silva (1998 - 2005)
  • Fr Oswald Monteiro (2005 - 2006)
  • Fr Gerald Francis Pinto (2006 - 2013)
  • Fr Naveen Pinto (2013 - Parochial Admin.)
  • Fr. Melwyn Noronha (2013 - 2018)
  • Fr Gregory Pereira (from 2018 onwards)

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