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'Angelore' is a beautiful place away from the hustle and bustle of the busy city of Mangalore. It is situated amidst beauty of nature with clean, green and hilly surroundings.

The catholic families of Padil, Nagori and Pumpwell, which then belonged to Cathedral, Milagres, Bendore, and Kulshekar parishes felt the need of a new parish church close to their residences to meet their spiritual requirements.

The move to establish a new parish began on the first Sunday of January 1931. Keeping in mind the zeal of the Christian leaders of the locality, the then Bishop of Mangalore Diocese, Rt. Rev. Victor R. Fernandez decided to establish a new parish church.

March 3 rd, 1935 was indeed a 'Golden Day' for the people of Angelore Parish. Exactly at 7.00 a.m., His Excellency Bishop Victor R. Fernandez blessed, inaugurated and dedicated the Parish to ‘Guardian Angel.’ The parish area is called ‘Angelore,’ which in local language means ‘the land of angels.’ Rev. Fr. Gaulbert Noronha was appointed as the Parish Chaplain (Parochial Administrator).

On 1st July 1935, the first Parish Council was constituted and Mr. John Pereira was the first Administrator and Mr. Benjamin Xavier was the first Secretary of the Parish Council. Mr. J. B. Rasquinha served as the Sacristan for the first five years.

Four wards of the church came into existence and were named Church Ward, St. Michael Ward, St. Raphael Ward, and St. Joseph Ward.

Initially, Mr. John Coelho’s house near Garodi was the temporary church. Later, Rev. Mother Esther, the Provincial of Sisters of Charity, Belvedere, donated six acres of land to build the church building. She also gave permission for the road construction from the main road to the place marked for the construction of the new church.

8th September 1937 was a day of golden letters in the history of the parish. The Bishop Rt. Rev. Victor R. Fernandez laid the foundation stone of the new church building. Rev. Fr. Piad D’Souza was its architect.

The inscription on the foundation stone reads thus:


2nd October 1937, the feast of the Guardian Angel, was the day of celebration for the parishioners. Bishop Victor R. Fernandez blessed the new church building and celebrated the Eucharist. Rev. Fr. Gaulbert Noronha, who was till then the Parish Chaplain, was appointed as the first Parish Priest of the Church of Guardian Angel.

Growth and development of the parish under various parish priests

Rev. Fr. Gaulbert Noronha (3.3.1935 to 31.12.1946)

A Grotto was built in front of the church and the statue of Mother Mary was donated by Rev. Fr. E. C. Lobo. On 2 nd November 1941, the cemetery was blessed. On 1 st January 1944, when a new parish of Bajal was started, a part of Angelore territory was given up to the Bajal parish.

Rev. Fr. John Menezes (1.1.1947 to 10.4.1955)

Rev. Fr. John Menezes served the parish for 8 years. As the number of Christian families increased in the parish, veranda was added to the church building to accommodate more people. In 1948, a new altar was built and the statue of Guardian Angel was donated by Mr. Simon Rasquinha.

Rev. Fr. Denis D’Souza (1955 - 1971)

Fifteen rented houses were built in the church compound and were allotted to the poor and needy families of the parish. Late Mr. Gregory Coelho sponsored the electrification of the church in 1958 ‘Legion of Mary’ was started in 1959. On 3rd March 1960, the parish celebrated the silver jubilee. Mr. Gregory Coelho, the President of the Jubilee Committee, sponsored the jubilee meal for 2,000 people. Fr. D’Souza retired from his pastoral service of 16 years in 1971.

Rev. Fr. Gregory D’Souza (23.5.1971 to 30.5.1978)

St. Vincent De Paul Society was started in the Parish on 19th September 1971. A new marble altar was donated by Mr Simon Rasquinha. Mr Sylvester D’Souza donated some benches. A portico for the church and the construction of the belfry tower was undertaken. Youth groups were stared and many youngsters were involved in church activities.

Rev. Fr. J. S. T. Rodrigues (31.5.1978 to 28.5.1987)

The 8 wards of the church were further divided into 14. 3rd March 1984, marked the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the parish. The ‘Golden Jubilee Memorial Hall’ was constructed. The portico construction was also completed. The Parish Council suggested publishing a monthly church news bulletin ‘Anjelorso Anj’ and its first issue was released in March 1985. It is published every month till today and gives a glimpse of various spiritual, social and cultural activities of the church.

The Vicar took the initiative to start ‘Ladies’ Social Service League,’ Charismatic prayer groups and novena of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour every Saturday. Children’s choir came into existence and were trained in Carnatic music.

Rev. Fr. Lawrence Pais (28.5.1987 to 13.5.1990)

Installation of sound system in the Golden Jubilee Hall, kneelers for all benches in the church and extension of balconies in the church to accommodate more people for Eucharistic celebrations and liturgical services were all sponsored by the vicar himself. The parishioners celebrated his 75th birthday and he retired with 3 years of pastoral service in the parish.

Rev Fr Norbert Dsouza (13-05-1990 to 21-05-1997)

Small Christian communities started in the Parish. In order to develop the talents of young boys and girls, competitions at Parish level and inter Parish level were organised. 1995 was the year of the Diamond Jubilee of the Parish. On the proposal of the Parish Council it was unanimously decided to build a new Church building to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee. The foundation stone of the new Church building was laid on 3rd March 1995 by the Bishop of Mangalore Rt. Rev Dr Basil D’Souza. All the liturgical services were conducted in the Golden Jubilee Memorial Hall during church construction period. Very enthusiastically the parishoners collected money. Mr Melwyn Peris organised the musical night and Rs 100000 was collected. The Parish priest visited the Gulf nations and pooled Rs 8.7 lacs. ‘Propaganda Fidei’ of Rome donated Rs 8.64 lacs. Generous contributions poured in from all directions and a sum of 40 lacs was at hand.

On 6th October 1996, the foundation stone for the clergy house was laid by Bishop Basil D’Souza and both the construction of the church and the clergy house were on full swing. 28 April 1997 was a Diamond Day for us. The Archbishop of Delhi Rev Dr Vincent Consesso inaugurated the new Church and the Bishop of Mangalore blessed it and celebrated the Eucharist. The Clergy house was blessed by Rev Fr Clifford D'Souza. The Parish family of Angelore praised the Lord for his bountiful blessings on them.

‘Fund for higher education’ and ‘Fund for house construction for the poor’ were the two programs initiated on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee.

Rev Fr John D’Souza (21.5.1997 to 28.11.1997)

Since the construction work of the Church and the clergy house was completed in a hurry, there were many other minor jobs to be attended to. The new Parish priest did not wish to approach the parishioners for more contributions. He could not cope up with the situation, fell ill and went on leave in September. In his absence Rev. Fr. Mathias Pereira served as the in charge parish priest for a short time.

Rev Fr JB D'Souza (29.11.1997 - 2005)

Recently retired Principal of Milagres College, Kallianpur with the support of the Parish Council was able to solve all the financial problems of the Parish. He brought out the first Parish Telephone Directory under the leadership of Mr. Michael Cutinha. The strong front wall of the church compound was built. The church hill was levelled to construct into a Parish ground. The cemetery was also levelled. Steps were made and concrete tombs were built on the top most level. The unit of the Catholic Sabah was started just before his transfer. He built the belfry tower in memory of his mother.

Rev Fr Stany B Lobo (22.5.2005 – 8.6.2011)

The number of wards in the Parish were increased from 18 to 21. Development and beautification of the Church was undertaken. New Grotto was built, the Tabernacle was shifted from the center to the left of the altar. The Holy Bible was placed in a prominent place. A Baptismal Font was erected near the Sanctuary. Colorful glass panels depicting the mysteries of the Holy Rosary were inserted on the wall of the church. The land just in front of the church was purchased as church property.

On 8 March 2009 the Bishop of Mangalore Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza inaugurated the platinum Jubilee year by lighting 75 lamps. From 7th to 14th February 2010 was the finale of the Platinum Jubilee. Compri procession, head load gifts (vojem), colorful fireworks on Vespers evening and Solemn Eucharistic celebration were the highlights of Jubilee Celebrations. Many parishioners noted for their special achievements were honored by the Bishop. The entire Angelore Parish and well-wishers participated in this great event. Nearly 1500 enjoyed the sumptuous Jubilee meal. “Great indeed are your works Oh Lord” was the prayer of praise and thanksgiving on every lip. The ‘Angelore Parish Platinum Jubilee Higher education fund’ was launched to commemorate the Jubilee and to help the poor and deserving students of the parish.

Rev Fr Mathew Vas (8.6.2011 - 4.6.2018)

The church records were updated, marking of the church boundaries and Church property was completed. A new Parish Office has been built. The statues of the Guardian Angel and Infant Jesus have been installed on either sides of the main entrance of the church. A new air conditioned ‘Angelore Sabah Bhavan’ has been constructed. The parishioners telephone directory has been revised and re-published in 2017.

Rev Fr William Menezes (4.6. 2018 - Present)

Rev Fr William Menezes has been appointed as the Parish priest on 4.6.2018.

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff with inputs from
Last updated on Dec 2018.

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