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Balkunje - Mangaluru, June 26 : ICYM Balkunje unit elected new office bearers for the year 2024-25. The election was held on 26th May 2024 at St. Paul Church Balkunje. The election was conducted in the presence of Rev Fr Paul Sequeira – Director of ICYM Balkunje unit.

The election began with a Prayer. Ms. Nelisha Lobo (outgoing President) welcomed the gathering. Ms. Neha Serrao (Outgoing secretary) presented the last report of activities organised during the year 2023-24.

The elections were conducted according to the handbook. The newly elected office bearers are:

  • President: Clarissa Cardoza
  • Secretary: Reshal Rodrigues
  • Treasurer: Chrislin Dsouza
  • Vice president : Herald Dsouza
  • Joint secretary: Joel Crasta
  • Liturgy Secretary: Shawn Dsouza
  • Cultural and sports secretary: Staylen Dsouza
  • Amsoyuvak and PRO: Neha Serrao
  • Red drop Representative: Acqwin Dsouza
  • Immediate past President: Nelisha Lobo

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, the ICYM Balkunje Unit celebrated the handover of posts and the inauguration of its 52nd year. The program began at 9:30 am in the church hall with a prayer song. Ms Clarissa Maria Cardoza welcomed the gathering. Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira, the Parish Priest, Parish Pastoral Vice President Dr. Freeda Rodrigues, Secretary Mrs. Nancy Cardoza, Commission Coordinator Mrs. Lavina Serrao, ICYM President Clarissa Maria Cardoza, and ICYM Secretary Reshal Evelinia Rodrigues were present on the dais.

Ms Renisha Rodrigues read out the responsibilities of the various designations and the posts were handed over to the new committee members. Following the handover, the newly elected committee took an oath led by Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira. After the oath-taking, the 52nd year of ICYM was officially inaugurated. Ms Lavita Dsouza thanked the outgoing executive committee for their support and efforts over the past year. Congratulations were extended to Mr. Colin Baptist Dsouza for being elected as the Treasurer of ICYM Mangalore North Deanery.

Dr. Freeda Rodrigues gave a speech on “How Youth Can Face Society,” and Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira addressed the gathering on the importance of a strong spiritual foundation in life. Miss Reshal Evelinia Rodrigues delivered the vote of thanks, and Mr. Allan Sequeira compered the program.

Breakfast was served to all, and 30 youth participated in the event.


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