By Johnson Crasta

Narampady - Kasaragod, Sep 5, 2024 : The ICYM unit of St. John De Britto Church, Narampady organized Awareness Program on Social Media and Healthy Friendships for the youths and children of parish from class 8th std to YCS.The Program was conducted on Sunday September first after the first mass.

The Program began with an introduction about the topic by Ria Monteiro who was the MC on the occasion. This was followed by a welcome speech by Mr Robert Dsouza who is the Social Media Rep for Social Communication Commission. Parish Priest Fr Anil Francis stressed about the need for right knowledge and application of Social Media.

Later the program began with an informative session by Dr Steevan Dsouza who has gained abundant experience about the various pros and cons of handling social media .The session was really engaging and about 60 youths and children took part in the awareness program.

The program was concluded with a vote of thanks by unit president Prewel Sandra. Later the attendees were served with refreshments.


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