By Vinston Dsouza

Ranipura - Mangaluru, Aug 22, 2024 : On Sunday, August 18th, the ICYM unit of Our Lady, The Queen Of The Universe Church, Ranipura organized the "Pavsa Khel 2024" event at Uliya, Ranipura. The event commenced at 9:30 a.m. with a prayer service led by ICYM members.

The primary aim of the event was to raise awareness among young people about culture and unity, featuring various activities related to tradition and cultural heritage. The inauguration included the ceremonial lighting of the lamp.

Mr. Prajwal Pereira, Unit President, welcomed the attendees, while Rev. Fr. Jayaprakash Dsouza, ICYM Unit Director, highlighted the vital role of youth in contemporary society. Chief Guest Mr. Anil Lobo, Chairman of MCC Bank Ltd, emphasized the importance of youth in preserving cultural heritage passed down from ancestors. Dignitaries present included Mr. Arun Monteiro, Parish Council Vice President; Mrs. Wilma Dsouza, Parish Council Secretary; Mr. Flinton Pranoy Cutinha, Deanery President; Mr. Selvester Lobo, Honorable Guest; Mr. Delan Lobo, and Mrs. Anisha Dsouza, Unit Animators. Mr. Stalin Prevan Crasta gave a vote of thanks for the attendees.

The event was marked by a gesture of appreciation for the guests and contributors. It featured 11 individual games and 6 ward games, with constant effort from members to ensure its success. The day concluded with thanksgiving delivered by Sandria DSouza, followed by DJ music by DJ Nikesh Monteiro and the ICYM anthem.

The Mangalore South Deanery Committee also visited the venue, extending their best wishes for the event.


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