Age is an Honour, and the Life Well-Lived is a Blessing

Report : Sr. Leena Pereira and Sr. Sadhana BS

Kinnikambla - Mangaluru, July 29, 2024 : “The beauty of life lies in its memories and the wisdom shared by those who have walked before us”. On the Joyous occasion of Senior Citizens’ Day, the community sisters along with the Novices hosted a heartwarming celebration, bringing together 28 Sisters of Rosa Mystica community. The event was a tribute to their enduring dedication and service, reflecting the spirit of love and community that defines the congregation.

The day commenced with a solemn Mass, officiated by Rev Fr. Siby, where they collectively expressed their gratitude and reverence for the sisters. Their lifelong commitment to faith and service was beautifully acknowledged during the homily, emphasizing the invaluable wisdom and guidance they continue to offer.

“The hands of time may wrinkle the skin, but the heart and soul remain eternally youthful”. At 10 am, a deeply inspirational talk by Dr Laveena Noronha, Director, Palliative Care, Vamanjoor. Her words resonated with everyone present, offering profound insights and encouragement. She spoke of the invaluable contributions of the senior sisters, their unwavering faith, and the legacy of love and service they have built over the years.

The celebration continued with a series of engaging activities. The sisters participated in a quiz conducted by Sr. Anitha Tressy. The day concluded with a heartfelt tribute, where younger members of the community expressed their appreciation through Greeting Song, presented Dances, “Secret of Happiness” – skit acted out by the novices, under the direction of the Novice Directress, few activities of the Senior sisters were prepared by Priya Prabha, through video clippings, creating an atmosphere of joy and fellowship. Their vibrant spirits and infectious enthusiasm were truly inspiring, highlighting the essence of community life. Sr. Leena Pereira, Superior, offered tokens of love. It was a moving moment, reinforcing the bonds of affection and respect that unite us all.

The Senior Citizens’ Day celebration was a beautiful reminder of the strength, wisdom and grace embodied by the senior sisters. Their unwavering faith and dedication serve as a beacon of light for the entire community. The community is deeply grateful for the elders’ presence and the countless ways the elders enrich their lives. “Our elders are the roots that hold the tree of our community steady and strong”.

Sr. Sadhana, BS, compered the program and Sr. Leena Pereira, Superior welcomed the gathering and Sr. Concetta proposed vote of thanks.


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