Media Release

Mangaluru, July 1: It was a momentous day for the CASK CENTENARY TRUST & CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH KANARA as they disbursed 30 Lakhs worth of Scholarships to 316 children of all faiths and religions on June 29th , 2024 at the St. Sebastian Centenary Auditorium, Bendore.

The Scholarship Distribution program was presided by our patron Rt. Rev. Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha and the renowned entrepreneur Mr. Michael D' Souza who was the chief guest.

The function started with his Lordship , Bishop Peter Paul being welcomed strewn with rose petals and felicitated with a song by the Manipuri students on the feast of his Patron Saints St. Peter & Paul followed an Invocation song invoking the blessings of the almighty. The symbolic lamp was lit adding a solemnity to the event.

A welcome address was delivered by the Managing Trustee of CASK CENTENARY TRUST - Captain Vincent Pais.

Mr. Michael D' Souza - the chief guest was very motivational and impactful in his address to the students which surely must have struck a chord in their hearts, enlightening them on the importance of studying hard for a bright future and never to be disillusioned by occasional failures.

Mr. Ulhas Rasquinha - the coordinator of the Scholarship Distribution Program in his brief address spelt out the criteria for distributing the scholarships with priority given mainly to the low economic status of the students/their families and all 316 beneficiaries being from marginalized and distressed families
It was a very proud moment next when 316 scholarships were personally handed over by his Lordship the Bishop and the various other endowment donors and sponsors to the students who wore a happy smile on their faces.

His Lordship Bishop Peter Paul addressed the gathering and had a special word of advice for the children motivating them to be success stories in the future.
A very touching moment when two beneficiaries of the earlier scholarships acknowledged their gratitude to CASK CENTENARY TRUST. Immanuel Goveas lost both his parents during COVID. His younger brother Dominic was by his side and presented a rose bud to all the dignitaries.

A displaced student from Manipur too was ever grateful and expressed how indebted she was and the scholarship went a long way under the trying situations she landed in Mangalore.

The function concluded with Mr. Anand Periera- the Secretary of the CASK CENTENARY TRUST & CASK expressing his heartfelt gratitude to one and all who were responsible and had contributed their time , effort and resources to make this a significant event.


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