CT News 

Ferar - Mangaluru, June 25 : The election for the new Executive Committee of the ICYM unit of St Francis Xavier Church, Ferar was held on May 19, 2024. The election was conducted under the guidance of Director Rev. Fr. Antony Lewis in the Mini Hall of St. Francis Xavier Church, Ferar. Kevin Pinto Welcomed the gathering, and then President Sagon Noronha shared his experience and thanked everyone for their support throughout the year. Secretary Crystal Pinto read the annual report of the year 2023–24. Clyde Dsouza conducted the elections.

Below are the names of the ICYM Ferar Unit Office Bearers for the year 2024–2025:

President: Angel Pereira
Vice President: Ransan Mendonca
Secretary: Sagon Noronha
Joint Secretary: Lenisha Cutinha
Treasurer: Levin Cutinha
Liturgy & Cultural Secretary: Allen Dsouza
Sports Secretary: Royston Mendonca
Amcho Yuvak Representative: Leona Cutinha
Red Drop Representative: Crystal Pinto

After the elections, the newly elected president, Angel Pereira, thanked everyone and requested everyone to support her throughout the year. The meeting concluded with a prayer led by Kevin Pinto.


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