Media Release

Mangaluru, June 11 : The annual election for Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R.) of Mangalore diocese for the year 2024-25  was conducted at the Bishop's house Mangaluru on 9th June 2024.

Mr. Alwyn D'Souza Panir was re-elected as the President.

The other elected office -bearers for the year 2024-25 are :

1st Vice President - Steven Rodrigues
2nd Vice President - Jossy Crasta
Secretary - Alwyn Prashanth Monteiro
Assistant Secretary - Lavina Gretta D'Souza
Treasurer - Mebrida Jane Rodrigues
Assistant Treasurer - Wilfred Melvin Alwaris
Immediate Past President - Stany Lobo

Rev Dr J B Saldanha is the Spiritual Director of Central Catholic Sabha.


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