Report & Photos: Canara Communication Centre, Mangalore

Mangaluru, June 11 : The solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and the Second day of Triduum in preparation for the annual feast of St Anthony of Padua was held on June 11, 2023, at St Anthony Shrine, Milagres Church, Mangaluru.

Rev. Fr Antony Shera, Secretary, Catholic Board of Education (CBE), Bajjodi celebrated the Eucharist and prayed for the donors and well-wishers of St Anthony Ashram. Rev. Fr J B Crasta and Rev. Fr Nelson Peris, St Anthony Ashram, Jeppu were the concelebrants.

Fr Antony preached on the theme, “Word of God is food for the soul”. Fr Antony said, “During every mass, both the celebration of the Word of God and the Body and Blood of Christ become our spiritual food.”

Fr Antony Shera said that the Word of God leads us to live the eucharistic life. Hence, faith in the word of God is very important to bear fruits of true Christian life.

At the end of the mass, Fr Nelson Peris, assistant director of the Ashram led the novena in honour of St Anthony, during which the special intercession of the session was sought for the various needs and prayer intentions of the devotees.

Choir members of St Anne’s Friary, Bejai led the choir and joined in the thanksgiving. Payasam (sweet dish) was served to all the devotees who attended the devotion.

The annual feast of St Anthony will be on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. Most Rev. Dr Ignatius Dsouza, bishop of Bareilly and Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of Mangalore will be the main celebrants for the main festive Holy Mass at Jeppu Ashram and Milagres Church respectively.

The Concluding celebrations of the Post Centenary Silver Jubilee of St Anthony’s Charitable Institutions will coincide on the same day.


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