Media Release

Mangaluru, April 18 : Temporary Profession of four Novices of Rosa Mystica Novitiate, Kinnikambla took place on the 18 of April 2023. The Eucharistic celebration was officiated by Fr Daniel Veigas OP, the Episcopal Vicar for Religious of Mangalore Diocese, along with ten other Priests.

Sr Cicilia Mendonca the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province accepted the Vows of Sr Amitha D’Souza, Sr Devi Priya. Sr Sukanaya Konda and Sr Tima Das in the name of Church for the congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany. Sr Judy Varghese the Provincial Superior of Southern Province was present. The Parents of the Novices who were hailing from Mangalore, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh were present to witness the great event of Religious consecration of their daughters.

A short programme was organized after the Mass to felicitate the Newly Professed Sisters. They gratefully acknowledged the loving accompaniment of Sr Rose Celine the Superior General of the Congregation, the Provincial Superiors of Mangalore and Southern Provinces, Formators, Sisters and their Parents during the past years of their formation.


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