Media Release

Mudigere, May 12 : The St. Joseph’s Church, Hirebile celebrated its Foundation Day on Sunday, 30th April, 2023 and on Monday, 1st May, 2023.

On 30th April, on the World Vocation Sunday, the parish observed Vocation Day in the Parish and also 38th Dedication Day of the Present Church Building. Very Rev. Fr. Paul Machado, Parish Priest, St. Francis of Assisi Church, Kalathipura offered Mass and prayed for the faithful.

Rev. Fr. Joseph Madtha, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Magundi, preached a meaningful, fitting sermon on the occasion. In his homily, he called young people to not hesitate to respond to the call of God in their life. He also said that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. So he appealed to the families to offer their sons and daughters to spread the good news.

After the Holy Mass very Rev. Fr. David Prakash announced the Sponsors/Donors name. Rev. Fr. Pradeep Cardoza, Assistant Parish Priest, St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle, blessed the Candles and distributed them to the Festival Donors.

After which on occasion of the Vocation Day in the Parish, the local vocations who responded to God’s call from Hirebile (The Priests and Religious) were honored by the Parish Council and Finance Committee Members.

After this Rev. Fr. Pradeep Cardoza blessed Decorated St. Joseph’s Car and gave Flag off for the Procession. The flower decorated St. Joseph’s Statue was taken in a car in Public procession around the Church as well as in Hirebile Main Street. Faithful and Devotees participated piously in this procession singing hymns and praying the Rosary with lit candles in hand.

Rev. Fr. David Prakash accompanied the faithful. The Parish Priest prayed for unity, peace and harmony in Hirebile. He also prayed for all peoples’ good health, prosperity and heavenly blessings on their business, agriculture as well as on their plantation.

At the end of the procession, there was benediction with thanks and praise. Rev. Fr. Pradeep Cardoza gave the Eucharistic Blessing.

Soon after this, the Sacred Heart School children, under the guidance of English Medium Headmistress, Rev. Sr. Wilma Gonsalves, UFS and her support staff choreographed a dance which was performed on stage.

The same dance was also presented by Parish Youth, ICYM Yuva Mithra. It was well appreciated by all.

The Jubilee song was composed by Very Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendoca, Rector, Milagres Cathedral, Kalliampur, Udupi Diocese in Konkani and Rev. Fr. Cyril Lobo, Director, Divyavani, Udupi Diocese in Kannada.

The famous Band from Badayar gave the music for this whole programme. At the end the Jubilee meal was served to all the gathered people.

On 1st May, it was May Day, and also International Workers' Day and Feast of St. Joseph, the Worker. It is also the Annual Feast Day of St. Joseph’s Church, Hirebile. At 9.00 a.m. Most Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Swamy, Bishop of Chikmagalur Diocese of Chikmagalur, arrived at Hirebile. He was welcomed by Parish Priest Very Rev. David Prakash and Parish Council Secretary Mr. Lancy Carlo along with Parish Council and Finance Committee members.

The Bishop was taken in procession in the open vehicle. As a mark of Asthadashamanothsava, 80 women carried Deepa in their hands in the procession. The Bishop was welcomed with Doopa, Deepa and Pushpa Arathi.

In the Church both the Jubilee songs were presented to the Bishop by Sacred Heart School students.

Thereafter Bishop T. Anthony Swamy offered solemn thanksgiving high mass. In this introduction he thanked the Lord for granting 80 years of Faith for Hirebile Church. He also called on faithful to March towards synodality by walking together with the church to build the Kingdom of God. He praised people’s faith which has been going strong for the past 80 years.

Rt. Rev. Msgr. Elias Sequeira, Vicar General of Diocese of Chikmagalur and the Parish Priest of St. Thomas Church, Tarikere broke the Word of God. In his homily he explained the importance of May Day. International Workers’ Day is celebrated all over the world on May 1. Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary and foster father of the Lord Jesus Christ, was a carpenter who supported the holy family through his daily labour. The Church presents him as the protector and model to all who earn their own and their families’ livelihood through manual labour. His example is used as an occasion to highlight the concept of work, and the fact that the holy family worked for a living is seen as a point of fellowship with most of the world’s families. May St Joseph the Worker motivate us all to recognize the dignity of labour, however big or small, and accord due respect to all those who work in our parishes and institutions. He also said that work is worship by giving the example of St. Joseph, the patron of the parish. More than 30 priests around the diocese concelebrated the Mass.

At the end of the Mass the main celebrant Most Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Swamy was honoured by Mr. Lancy Carlo, Parish Council Secretary and Mr. Prakash D’Costa Gurkar from Sunkasale Ward.

Also the Vicar General and Former Parish Priest and Assistant Parish Priests were honoured with Shawl, Garland and St. Joseph’s Picture as memento.

At the same time, Bishop released the Parish Telephone Directory “Asthadasha” and also a Book on St. Joseph written by Former Vicar General and Senior Priest Very Rev. Fr. George D’Souza and he was given the First copy.

Bishop also inaugurated the Parish Website

The Parish Priest, Very Rev. Fr. David Prakash was also honoured by the Bishop with Shawl and Garland.

The Parish Priest thanked each and every one who has played a major part in the event. He thanked the Superior and Community Members of the Sacred Heart Convent, Parish Choir members for melodious singing. He also thanked all the support and encouragement of the Parish Finance Committee, Parish Pastoral Council, all the Donors and Well Wishers and faithful of the parish. Nearly 1000 people participated in this Programme.

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