Media Release

Bengaluru, July 30, 2024 : Karnataka Regional Youth Commission Planning meeting was held at Karnataka Regional Pastoral Center "Subhodhana", Bengaluru on July 28th, from 9:30am to 3:30pm.

YCS/YSM National Youth President Mr. Anson Nazareth from the Diocese of Udupi led the programme. Fr Franklin D'Souza, Diocesan Youth Director of Diocese of Shimoga led the prayer. Sr. Molly Regional Youth Lady Animator welcomed the gathering.

Fr Lourduraj, Regional Youth Director introduced the programme. Fr Anil Prasad, KRPPC Coordinator directed the Planning session for 2025 to 2028. He introduced CCBI planning to the group. Then he divided the participants into three groups. Then each group submitted the reports about Mission, Goals, Indicators and activities for the next 4 years.

At 21:45pm Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist and prayed for the success of the Regional Youth activities.

After lunch , the group sat for the fine tuning of the Planning. 28 representatives from 14 Dioceses took active part. RYD Fr Lourduraj, thanked everyone.


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