Jesuits of the Goa Province, had the closing of the Ignatian Year celebration which marked the 500th anniversary of the conversion of Ignatius Injury and 400th anniversary of canonizations of St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier.

By Sr. Molly Fernandes sfn

Goa, Aug 1 : Leviticus 25: 1-4, 8-10, speaks of the jubilee year and it indeed gives a feeling of awe and wonder at the way God called Inigo (Ignatius) and later would manifest His plans through visions and personal encounters! Thus, the reminiscence of conversion which is rather awkward! Yet, God manifests His benevolence and goodness to all His creation.

The Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr. Arturo Sosa S.J., called for an “Ignatian Year” to celebrate the conversion of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. The year opened on 21st May 2022, the 500th anniversary when Ignatius the soldier was injured by a cannonball at the Battle of Pamplona and concluded on July 31, 2022, the feast day of St. Ignatius at the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Old Goa for the Jesuits in Goa. It is also the 400th anniversary of the canonization of St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier.

The Jesuits of Goa Province, brought the curtains down of the ‘Ignatian Year’ on 31st July 2022, at the Eucharistic celebration, at the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Old-Goa, India. The Eucharistic celebration was presided by His Eminence, Cardinal Elect Filipe Neri Ferrao and con-celebrated by Fr. Roland Coelho the Provincial, Fr. Patricio Fernandes, the Rector of the Basilica and 42 other priests.

The theme chosen for ‘Ignatian Year’ was ‘Seeing all things New in Christ’. Fr. Anthony da Silva in short, enlightened the faithful on the life of St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier. While Fr. William Rodrigues, tried to make an impact on the listeners by his touching homily. As he spoke about Inigo’ conversion after being injured by a cannonball at the Battle of Pamplona against the French and his experience at Manresa and that while recuperating from the injury, he asked for some novels on romance to pass the time. But they didn’t find any except a copy of the life of Christ and a book on the lives of saints.

Fr. Rodrigues said, “When he returned to the books on the lives of the saints, he understood his vanity and the world’s glory and sensed that only God was able to satisfy his heart. These fluctuations allowed Inigo (Ignatius) to observe a difference in him: the thoughts that came from God left him with full of consolation, peace and tranquillity; whereas the worldly thoughts had some delight, but only left him with desolation and emptiness.

He further added that his encounter with God at Manresa for eleven months enabled Ignatius to find God in all things. To see, feel and act. To see newness in everything and glorify God…yes, ‘All for the Greater Glory of God’.

He ended with an example of a master craftsman specialized in stain glass painting. That one of his apprentices asked for his tools and when asked why do you want my tools? He answered, to make a difference in his work! and so the master gave some. When the master visited him in his studio, said I dropped by to see how you are doing in life. And the apprentice replied ‘no well master. What I was using was better than the tools I brought from you and I feel disappointed and dejected’. Then the master craftsman took a step forward, put his hand on his shoulder and said: “Son, it is not the tools of the master that you need but you need the spirit”.

After the Eucharist His Eminence Card. elect Filipe Neri Ferrao was felicitated by the Jesuits of the Goa Province with a shawl presented by Fr. Patricio Fernandes and a floral bouquet by Fr. Savio Barreto. The Provincial, Fr. Roland Coelho thanked the Archbishop for his support and for being with them and assured all their help. He also thanked all the other dignitaries, family members, collaborators, benefactors, choir, volunteers, and many others and asked everyone to pray for them, that they might truly love Jesus passionately.

To mark this day Fr. Apollo Cardozo, released his book, “When Goa Celebrates”, at the hands of the Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao and gave a short synopsis of the contents.

In his message Bishop Ferrao, urged the faithful to listen, discern and respond as he declared saying: St. Ignatius listened, discerned, and responded to the call of God. The Holy Father Pope Francis is asking us, all disciples of Jesus, to be synodal disciples, synodal members of the church, who are constantly learning, like Jesus our master constantly journeying, listening, in total docility to the spirit. He said: may we all respond to the call of Pope Francis and continue to make the church, a truly synodal church. That we may experience communion, promote participation, and focus on the mission to proclaim the good news of Jesus.

The event ended with lunch and everyone was seen relating, wishing and enjoying each other’s company. It was a true sign of Synodality as the Family members of the Jesuits, collaborators, benefactors and Religious shared in the joy of the Companions of Jesus.

Sr. Molly Fernandes sfn is the Directress of Holy Family Communication Centre (HOFCOM)


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