Report : Sr. Molly Fernandes sfn

Sancoale - Goa, Jan. 01, 2024 : Life begins in the womb, comfortable and secured, where the womb becomes everything for the growing life. The womb is the world and the family of the new life. Thus whether inside the womb or outside, the new life journey has its alpha in the family and throughout life it’s the family one belongs to. For in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. The family existed much before life began in the womb or in the world. The Holy Trinity, from whom sprang the Holy Family. Love born from the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Sancoale sisters celebrated their Patron, The Holy Family feast under whose patronage they live and model their life being the model for/of families all over the world, and take pride in their identity as being called SFN’s – Sacrad Familia Nazareth.

The parish priest of Sancoale Church, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Teles, the celebrant for the Eucharist, inspired the sisters and those gathered to celebrate, in his homily keeping before few virtues of the Holy Family which each need to imbibe especially, the virtue of being concerned to every member and to be positive, as he shared his thoughts on an incident how one has to have positivity in the family life through the shared example.

An incident, accidently, the son drops the glass of water on the table and the immediate reaction of the mother, a hit on his head which in the end leads the daughter to hit the toy teddy bear in the first part. While the same incident, in the second part, the mother pats the son on his head with a smile, and the daughter goes and comforts her brother by caressing on his face and he hugs her while the end, the daughter goes and plays with the teddy bear with hugs and kisses. The same incident has two different reactions. And how a positive attitude dilutes the inordinate behaviours.

Besides, Love, patience, understanding, unity, kindness, selflessness, Fr. Teles highlighted four points: concern, positivity, choice of words and respect. That if one has the concern and positive attitude in circumstances which are inadequate that sometimes trigger our mind,the whole ambience changes and positive vibes encircle us.

Fr. Teles, also stressed on good manners that we see are dwindling in today’s generation which we as children were taught and lived in our life. The vivifying example of Jesus when lost in the temple, how Mary handled the situation with her choice of words and what would be our natural instinct to say and react.

After the Eucharist, quality time spent together with friends, parishioners and priests added joy and happiness while the Srs. Leena and Nirmala, kept everyone on their toes with games after cutting off the festal cake. In the end all enjoyed the delicious meal and thanked the sisters for their selfless dedicated services.

As we celebrate The Feast of the Holy Family, there are many things which we can emulate and live in our day-to-day life. The Holy Family is a model and guide of / to every family. Each of us is part of a family, belong to a family and grow in a family rubbing our shoulders to each other and continue to live with our extended families. Well, the Holy Family of Nazareth is a perfect example and model of faithfulness, love, forgiveness, to live our life as they lived.


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