By Sister M. Gracy A.C.

Udupi, Dec. 13: The much awaited day dawned on November 29, 2018. The grand centenary celebrations at St Cecily’s Convent and Institutions here began with the Solemn Thanksgiving Mass offered by the Most. Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore along with nine other priests of the Udupi Diocese.

The Bishop was felicitated after the Eucharistic Celebration, during which he appreciated the growth and the cooperation of the people of Udupi. Refreshments were served and the formal function began with a welcome dance by the little ones of St Cecily’s English Medium and St Cecily’s Kannada Medium Primary Schools after which Sister Maria Maisie, the Superior welcomed the gathering.

A brief history of the Institution ‘Gratitude of a Hundred Generation’ was presented to the gathering. Later, the former Superiors of St Cecily’s namely, Sisters Nirmala Francis, Aquineta, Ida Barboza, Vincenza, Rosetta, Shaila and Pushpa Pinto were felicitated. Sisters Apoline Baretto and Maria Vibha briefly presented the mission of the Superiors in Udupi. Sister Ida Barboza on behalf of the Superiors shared her enriching experiences and reminiscences. 

The AC Associates then sang a lively greeting song composed by Sister Apoline Baretto and the music set by Rev. Fr Valerian Mendonca, the Parish Priest of Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi. In his address the Parish Priest gave an account of real examples of St Cecily’s reaching out to people of other religions. Sister Carmel Rita the Provincial Superior and Sister Susheela the Superior General appreciated the efforts of St. Cecily reaching out to thousands of children. The whole programme was compered by Sister Gracy and Sister Benedicta Rebello proposed the vote of thanks.

Fr William Martis then blessed the fellowship meal that was arranged for all present.

The Centenary Celebrations in the evening started off with the inauguration of the newly built Centenary Memorial Block. Sister Susheela, the Superior General, inaugurated the newly built block and Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese blessed it.

The formal entertainment programme followed with the prayer song by the P.U.C students, a welcome dance by the students of Kannada Primary Schoo and an action song by the Tiny Tots of the Preparatory School. ‘Down the Century Lane’ a narrative act was presented in a creative way recalling the history of St. Cecily’s directed by Sister Rose Agnes.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese was the President, Sister Susheela, the Superior General was the Chief Guest and a host of others were the Guests of Honour. All the dignitaries gave their messages. Trisha, Shirish, and Sana, present students were felicitated for winning in the State Level events and Thanushree for her entry into Guinness World Record.

Sri Oscar Fernandes and Sri Pramod Madhwaraj, the Ex-Cecilians were felicitated for their commendable work for the society and five Ex-Cecilians for their achievements in Sports.

Mr. Nevil D’Souza, Mr. Prasanna Kedlaya and Mr. Rajesh Shenoy were felicitated for their service in building the Centenary Memorial. Sister Susheela, the Chief Guest released the Centenary Souvenir.

The cultural extravaganza performed by the students of all the five institutions enthralled the audience. A play about spreading love, peace and service was performed by the students. A large number of students, parents, sisters, ex-cecilians and the public were present for the entire programme. Soft drinks and a piece of cake were served to the entire audience.

On November 30, the ‘Ex-Cecilian Meet’ was held on the school grounds. The programme commenced with Mr. Gopal Poojary, the retired attender ringing the bell which was followed by the lighting of the lamp by a few former Ex-Cecilians. Later the retired teaching and non-teaching staff were felicitated. The famous Actress Vinaya Prasad and Veena Bannanje, a well known author shared their nostalgic memories of their school days. Sister Rose Agnes the former Principal of St. Cecily’s Composite P.U. College, addressed the gathering and expressed her joy, appreciation of the programme.

The cultural items included Yakshagana on ‘Punya Koti’, a stunning dance performance by the Bhargavi troupe, playing of the saxophone by the famous ‘India got Talent’ Anjali Shanbough, an Ex- Cecilian and other skits and dances –all by the Ex-Cecilians.

The entire programme was compered by Mr. Sandeep Rai, and Ms. Amrutha. Sister Maria Vibha gave the welcome address and Mrs. Savitha Shenoy, the Vice President proposed the Vote of Thanks. The programme ended with dinner for all those gathered at the function. A great and memorable celebration indeed!


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