Media Release

Puttur, Dec 18 : College Day and finale of diamond jubilee celebration was held on December 18, 2018 at St Philomena PU College.

Bishop of the diocese, Dr Peter Paul Saldanha and president of CBE said that the credit for student achievements goes to the contribution made by the lectures. He said, "The more we know the more we want to know, the more we love the more we want to love. If there is love in gaining knowledge it becomes wisdom and if there is no love then it becomes information."

The chief guest, Dr Devi Prabha Alva, alumna, HOD department of Commerce, St Agnes College, Mangaluru said that students should gain knowledge and have a positive attitude. She advised them to learn soft skills, life skills and develop a good habit of reading because reading will help to judge between right and wrong. She also said that they should render a sense of gratitude to their parents and lecturers.

The guest of honour,V Fr Antony M Shera, secretary, Catholic Board of Education, Mangaluru said that God has given us life and talents. It is our duty to make use of our talents and lead a meaningful life in society. He added that we should not cut down trees, instead plant at least one sapling.

Fr Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, campus director, St Philomena College said that we should practice the principle of being together. He congratulated the correspondent, management, teaching and non teaching staff for always being together due to which the institute celebrated its Annual Day and the finale of the diamond jubilee celebration.

The guest of honour, Professor Leo Noronha, principal, St Philomena College said that everyone should dedicate themselves to the growth of the institution. He said that we should consider our working place as our first home and if we do so we can definitely bring about a change.

On this auspicious day, 'Philo-Arush' - a magazine which highlighted the celebration of 60 programmes on account of the diamond jubilee celebration and a calendar of 2019 were released by the bishop.

Fr Vijay Lobo presented the annual report of the college.

Bishop Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Dr Devi Prabha Alva, Fr Antony M Shera and Fr Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro were felicitated on the occasion.

Prizes were distributed to the students who showcased their talents in different fields.

Fr Alfred J Pinto, correspondent welcomed the gathering. Shridevi K (IISEBA) proposed the vote of thanks. Dr Asha Savithri P compered the programme.

J P Rodrigues, Parish Pastoral Council, vice president, Jayaraj Bhandary, president, Alumni Association and Durgaprasad Rai, president, PTA, Fr Rithesh Rodrigues, Fr Sunil George D'Souza and Sr Flora Machado, wardens of St Philomena PU College were present on the occasion.


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