By Sonal D'cunha

Ashoknagar - Mangaluru, July 1 : The ICYM unit of Ashoknagar conducted elections for the new office bearers for the year 2024-2025 on June 16, 2024 at St. Dominic Church Hall. The election was overseen by Parish Priest Fr. Daniel Veigas, Parish Council Vice President Mr. Maxim Crasta, and Animators Nixon Crasta and Ashwitha Frank, whose guidance and support were instrumental in ensuring its smooth conduct.

Following the elections, the newly elected members took their oaths on June 30, 2024. The oath-taking ceremony was a momentous occasion, marking the beginning of their term in office.

The newly elected ICYM Committee for 2024-2025 is as follows:

President: Loyston D'Souza
Vice President: Iral D'Silva
Secretary: Sweedal Lobo
Joint Secretary: Priya D'Souza
Treasurer: Chelsea Alvarez
Cultural Coordinator: Rachael Noronha
Amcho Yuvak: Sonal D'cunha
Red Drop Coordinator: Rhea D'Souza
Liturgy Coordinator: Freya Mendonca
Sports Coordinator: Vion D'Souza


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